On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 9:38 AM, Fabian Greffrath <fab...@greffrath.com> wrote:
> Am 19.06.2012 09:18, schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
>> I'm a bit confused now. libav itself does not build depend on
>> libpostproc-dev, and if it did, then that would be a bug IMO.
> I believe this issue is not specific to libpostproc, but with
> "libpostproc-dev and friends" the OP meant "library packages built from
> libav sources" in general.
>> You could therefore use that source package for bootstrapping purposes
>> as well, but again, I did not really understand what the actual
>> problem is yet.
> As Andres and others pointed out e.g. in
> <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=671302#35> libav has
> several circular build-dependencies that give porters a hard time to
> bootstrap libav:
> libav -> opencv -> libav
> libav -> x264 -> libav
> libav -> x264 -> gpac -> libav
> Thorsten, that's three circular build-dependencies. Which one is the fourth
> one that you mentioned in your report?
> Anyway, all of these codecs are optional. So if you comment out the B-Ds on
> libx264-dev, libopencv-dev and libcv-dev in debian/control and remove the
> "--enable-libopencv" line in debian/confflags, libav should build just fine
> and be available for bootstrapping of other packages.

Aah, now it makes more sense, right.

Well, I take that as another reason to use the cond_enable macro in
debian/confflags for these libraries, because this way you do not even
have to edit any file, but can just bootstrap with 'dpkg-buildpackage
-d -b'.

Currently, libx264 and gpac use that, but opencv only in ubuntu (I
need it there because all of those are not in main, and I want to keep
the differences minimal). I'll switch opencv as well in the next

Anyway, Thorsten, is there anything else that we can help you with?



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