Package: morituri
Version: 0.1.2-2
Tags: patch


Using the same rational as #673284, i think morituri arbitrarily choosing a release when the medium appears in multiple releases, is a bug. It leads to unwanted artist/album/tracks names when ripping, and maybe other consequences.

I made a patch asking the user which release is the right one. Someone may later add a command line option to avoid interactivity, but at least it makes this program useful again.


Marc Dequènes (Duck)
--- /usr/share/pyshared/morituri/common/	2012-05-17 15:07:07.204922966 +0200
+++ /usr/share/pyshared/morituri/common/	2012-05-17 15:14:20.638212209 +0200
@@ -374,12 +374,20 @@
         if metadatas:
             print 'Matching releases:'
+            i = 0
             for metadata in metadatas:
-                print 'Artist  : %s' % metadata.artist.encode('utf-8')
-                print 'Title   : %s' % metadata.title.encode('utf-8')
+                print '%u - %s' % (i,
+                print '  Artist  : %s' % metadata.artist.encode('utf-8')
+                print '  Title   : %s' % metadata.title.encode('utf-8')
+                i += 1
+            if len(metadatas) == 1:
+              ret = metadatas[0]
+            else:
+              print 'Please choose a release'
+              num = raw_input("[0-%u] " % i)
+              ret = metadatas[int(num)]
-            # Select one of the returned releases. We just pick the first one.
-            ret = metadatas[0]
             getTracksMetadata(ret, mbdiscid, ittoc)
             print 'Submit this disc to MusicBrainz at:'

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