----- Original Message -----

From: Christophe Mutricy <xto...@chewa.net>
To: john terragon <terragonj...@yahoo.com>; 659...@bugs.debian.org
Cc: "sub...@bugs.debian.org" <sub...@bugs.debian.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: Bug#659617: [vlc] vlc can't convert (or play) streaming video


Le Sun 12 Feb 12 à 07:45 -0800, john terragon a écrit :
> Package: vlc
> Version: 1.1.13-1+b1

> I'm trying to convert (or even play) this network stream:

Indeed, managing to play it is the first step.

> http://mediapolisvod.rai.it/relinker/relinkerServlet.htm?cont=D4DbkclhMoAeeqqEEqual
> [0x905be84] main access error: connection failed: Connection refused
> [0x905be84] access_http access error: cannot connect to

> I'm not sure it's a bug. Maybe it's just a matter of configuration and I'm 
> missing something.

The problem would be more obvious with verbosity=2 or -vvv.

It appear libproxy thinks you have a (http) proxy at localhost:21790.

So you need to check your kde/gnome settings, env variable, .pac, ...


You are right. I set up an http proxy for konqueror (I forgot that 21790 was 
the port)....I assumed that 
it was just a konqueror thing and not that it extended to the whole system. 
Damn...sorry everything works now.

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