Am 01.02.2012 18:19, schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
Feel free to push what you currently have to, I might
find some time next week to have a closer look. Maybe we can get it to
use opencore-aac instead.

What I have at the moment is absolutely unrepresentable. It is based on Marillat's package with some changes to patches and some out-of-patch changes. Maybe I'll try to break out my own changes as a separate patch once I got it to compile and post it here.

Some observations:
- Just as avidemux (or maybe even worse) handbrake downloads static source snapshots of external libraries, patches them and builds static libraries. - It uses lots of deprecated ffmpeg API and even patches its private copy to export a private header. It's only needed for one declaration, so that's easily patched out. - It uses a private copy of libdca and patches it to use different names for its structs, WTF. However, this is also easily solved with a typedef. - It uses libmkv, which is currently not in Debian. I rebuilt the Marilat package for the time being, but this package should be no problem. - It uses an ancient snapshot of libbluray that has a slightly different API than the version in Debian.
- It uses faac which is considered non-free and thus not in Debian.
- Last but not least, it uses libmp4v2. Apart from the fact that there have also been slight APi changes compared to the version in Debian, this library is licensed under the MPL. AFAICT this and the GPL are incompatible, so the resulting software is unredistributable.

If the latter turns out to be true, I see no change for handbrake to enter Debian and thus no sense in working on it anymore.

 - Fabian

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