On 11-06-12 at 12:43pm, Dan S wrote:
> 2011/6/11 Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk>:
> > On 11-06-11 at 03:07pm, Dan S wrote:
> >> It would be great if others can comment - anyone?
> >
> > I've updated debian/copyright.  Please check the FIXMEs in that 
> > file!
> Thanks - a couple of questions:
> * The PNG images in the help system are under the same CC license as 
> the HTML help files. (They were not externally sourced.) They're 
> already covered by the "common/build/Help/*" entry. Why mark them as 
> unknown?

Debian prefer to track original copyright holders and licensing 
statements.  It is often the case that images are borrowed from other 
sources.  I did not check if that is the case here, just stopped my 
investigation at some point, storing the remaining parts as those FIXME 

If you find it reasonable to believe that those images are covered by 
same licensing terms as generally the documentation AND has same 
copyright holders, then just delete those FIXMEs.

> * Files: common/Source/plugins/FilterUGens.cpp is marked as "GPL-2+ 
> and UNKNOWN", I guess because it includes code ported from Java code 
> by Federico Fontana. It was me that did the porting, and Federico gave 
> me permission to include it in this GPL-2+ software. So there's no 
> unknown licensing, but are you expecting some documentation or or 
> something?

Seems to me that when Fontana gave you permission, he essentially 
granted you a license but remain copyright holder for his own work.

I am uncertain if that legally means he holds copyright for this code as 
well, but I feel it does - and that you do too, since you felt the need 
to document that relationship.

I read that comment as "this code is partly copyright Fontana" and I 
then miss the licensing terms for Fontana parts of the code.

At other works I have noticed comments mentioning an external origin of 
the code, but without mentioning a copight for that, which gives me the 
impression of "this code is inspired by that other project" and I do not 
miss a licensing statement.

This is pretty vague, I know.  You can choose to ignore me and just 
remove those FIXMEs.  But better would be if any and all copyright 
statements was immediately followed by corresponding licensing terms.

> * Also, you've allocated copyright of some associated files to 
> Federico Fontana (MoogFF.sc, MoogFF.html) yet he has no copyright in 
> those - I wrote them, they are not ported. So I can simply delete 
> those fixme entries, OK?

If he holds no copyright here, I suggest to improve wording in upstream 
headers to not mention the keyword "copyright" in relation to his name 
or work, and make sure to do include actual copyright and licensing 
statement in those files.

> Most of the other stuff is just sloppy notices, which I'll try to get 
> fixed upstream.


 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

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