On 11-04-04 at 02:33am, Ivo wrote:
> I just noticed that debian sid switched the ffmpeg package (and 
> related packages) to a fork that just appeared on the scene. A bunch 
> of guys tried to takeover the official ffmpeg site and repo and when 
> that didn't work (they were forced out by the official trademark 
> holder and founder of the ffmpeg project), they forked. I wish them 
> all the best, but I expect a distro that is known for its stability to 
> stick with the original, unless over time the fork turns out to be the 
> "winner".

Thanks for your different view on this.  Legal disputes over control of 
domain or project name is, however, an internal matter, not relevant for 
Debian (as long as _Debian_ is not violating trademarks etc.).

> Just because one of the guys that tried to takeover ffmpeg.org and 
> related services by illegal means is one of the ffmpeg package 
> maintainers of both debian and ubuntu, should not be a reason to 
> switch. A lot of other packages depend on ffmpeg and its libraries and 
> unless a majority of them (i.e. the authors of said software) switch 
> to the libav fork, debian should IMO stick with the stable ffmpeg 
> project.

Ah, so you are aware that this has been discussed already.  So I assume 
you also know the technical judgement of those "hijackers", just 
disagree with it.

I support (with current information provided) the judgement of my fellow 
Debian developer closely involved in the upstream code and making that 
judgement, yet appreciate your additional input.

Kind regards,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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