On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 09:04:52AM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Am 16.03.2011 07:21, schrieb Adam D. Barratt:
> >Unfortunately the upload hit p-u-NEW after things had been frozen for
> >6.0.1; it will therefore not be processed until after 6.0.1 has been
> >released and will be included in 6.0.2.
> Oh, come on. Isn't it possible to still get this into 6.0.1? It's
> such a tiny patch...

Sorry, no.  There's a reason for freezing p-u and that's not patch size.
(Rather buildd delays, announcements that get drafted, calls for testing, etc.)

Kind regards
Philipp Kern 

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