On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 01:18:52 (CET), Mark Hobley wrote:

> When mplayer is being used on Debian Lenny, if I resize the window or
> maximize the player, then the video becomes suitably enlarged to match
> the frame, allowing the videos to be played full screen, or at an
> appropriate size.
> Using the same version of mplayer under Debian Squeeze, the video does not
> resize, but instead the remaining frame area is painted black, leaving the
> video at the original size, but surrounded by a black frame.

Thanks for reporting this bug, but unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it
here, so I need your assistance. First of all, please attach the full
output of the mplayer messages:

 $ mplayer -v /path/to/your/file

Second, please also try if the same behavior occurs with the mplayer
package in experimental.


Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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