On Do, Sep 09, 2010 at 11:02:18 (CEST), Fabian Greffrath wrote:

> Am 08.09.2010 21:18, schrieb Elimar Riesebieter:
>> Patches applied.
> I hope this package will still make it into squeeze. If it does, should
> we patch the error message out of vlc and add "Breaks: libasound2 (<<
> 1.0.23-2)" to the vlc package?

This will have a potentially severe impact on upgrades from
lenny->squeeze, namely you force libasound2 to be upgraded and
configured before vlc-nox is upgraded. Is this really what you want to

I guess that if you test that this works, this change, if properly
documented in debian/changelog, would be great to have for squeeze.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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