On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 13:13:15 (CEST), Sven Joachim wrote:

> Shouldn't such an important change as dropping the gui be at least
> announced in NEWS.Debian to give the chance to bail out from the
> upgrade?  This was not a pleasant experience for me. :-(

This is more or less a compromise to bypass the NEW queue. In the next
upload, we intend to add an new binary package 'mplayer-gui' that
contains it. I can write some lines for NEWS.Debian. In any case, here
is the current plan:

,----[proposed NEWS.Debian wording
| The graphical version of mplayer (mplayer-gui, installed as
| /usr/bin/gmplayer) has been moved to the 'mplayer-gui' package. It is
| not installed by default, interested users need to install it manually.
| On upgrades from earlier releases of debian, /usr/bin/gmplayer may be
| removed from the system. Users can get it back by manually installing
| the 'mplayer-gui' package.
| Please note that mplayer-gui is deprecated and effectively
| unmaintained. Moreover, it is known to contain obvious bugs, some of
| which are pretty hard to fix.  Both its upstream developers and the
| Debian maintainers strongly advice against installing this package.
| As a replacement, have a look at the smplayer package instead.

Might also be worth mentioning in the release notes.

comments on the proposed wording are welcome!

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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