On Fri, 2009-12-11 at 13:49 +0100, Adrian Knoth wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 01:33:18PM +0100, Free Ekanayaka wrote:
> > Hi Adrian,
> Hi!
> > Thanks for having changed this! I'm not too convinced by the idea of not
> > including the 32bit library, I guess it would be handy for some users
> > and it wouldn't hurt the others.
> I must confess I'm not up-to-date about the current way of multiarch in
> Debian. AFAIK, the chroot thing is only the last resort. Then, there was
> a time with fat (multiarch) binaries (the Apple way), but this seems to
> be abandoned. Or not, I don't know.
> Then, there is some magic with ia32-apt-get which installs i386 packages
> side-by-side on amd64 systems.
> That's the approach I had in mind, and this would work: an amd64 user in
> need for 32bit jack clients would have two libjack0 packages, one amd64
> and one i386 version.
> I don't think there's consensus in Debian to automatically ship 32bit
> libs in 64bit-packages, but if somebody has better knowledge, I'm happy
> to add the four lines it'll take to support it.

Support for multiarch is somewhat stalled AFAIK. The idea is to drop
ia32-*, and to provide multiarch support within dpkg, but it hasn't been
released yet.

Felipe Sateler

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