Hi all
Il 09/01/22 21:59, Paolo Greppi ha scritto:
I stumbled upon this thread related to packaging corepack for gentoo:
We now have node 16 in experimental, but our package does not bundle
corepack (as upstream does):
I propose that we create a RFP/ITP for corepack separate from nodejs,
with Conflicts: yarnpkg
The corepack binary would install /usr/bin/yarnpkg pointing to the
corepack shims; this would allow Debian users who "use different package
manager versions across multiple projects" to happily install random
binaries downloaded from the internet if they wish.
If we agree that we (as a distribution) need specific versions of
yarnpkg (for building other stuff, we need to keep one or more yarnpkg
packages in Debian, all with Conflicts: corepack + each other.
If we really want yarnpkg 1, according to my tests, the corepack route
is useless:
docker pull node:16
docker run -it --rm node:16 bash
yarn -v # 1.22.15
# this downloads https://registry.npmjs.org/yarn/-/yarn-1.22.17.tgz
# based on the versions / 1.22.17 / dist / tarball value in:
# https://registry.yarnpkg.com/yarn/
corepack prepare yarn@1.22.17 --activate
yarn -v # 1.22.15
corepack yarn -v # 1.22.17
ls -l /root/.node/corepack
total 2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 63 Jan 9 18:33 lastKnownGood.json
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14 Jan 9 18:13 yarn
To "build" it quick and dirty we can download once and for all the same
pre-built binary that corepack would download, extract it and symlink it
to /usr/bin/yarnpkg (without shims); this package should go to contrib
since it downloads stuff from the internet during the build, but would
fix the issue of yarnpkg blocking the migration to webpack5 and removal
of node-request.
Or else keep alive the current version in main by just bundling into it
webpack4 and node-request.
If we really want a new yarnpkg3 package, corepack is also useless as it
merely installs yarnpkg 1.
The upstream recommended way of installing yarnpkg 3 (get yarn 1 with
corepack then yarn init -2 (sic!)) just downloads the current pre-built
binary (ATM
https://repo.yarnpkg.com/3.1.1/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js, 2199165
bytes) to .yarn/releases/yarn-3.1.1.cjs.
AFAICT this does not integrate with the shared package manager versions
stored in ~/.node/corepack.
One way to "build" yarnpkg3 quick and dirty is to download once and for
all the same pre-built binary that yarn init -2 would download, and
symlink it to /usr/bin/yarnpkg (without shims).
Or if we want it in main we should replicate the way upstream builds
this yarn.js binary.
Sorry for the long message, this is a mess!
the bugs related to yarn 1 are piling up, what do we want to do as a
team on this ?
I vote for keeping yarn 1 in the archive by bundling into it
node-babel-eslint, webpack4 and node-request-capture-har/node-request.
This would address #1002902, #1001630, #1000582 and #958686.
BTW in the meantime nobody created a RFP/ITP for corepack: it looks like
there's not so much interest for that.
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