gbp:error: upstream/1.22.10+_cs18.39.16 is not a valid treeish
indeed your fork only has 33 tags, whereas js-team/node-yarnpkg has 37.
Please pull those tags and push them to your fork, then force restart the CI
This would help us to see if your proposed fix works.
Pushing tags indeed helped extract sources. But build fails due to
incompatibilities with upstream files
As to upgrading tar-fs, it is possible that some other dependency we updated
here and there requires it.
Upstream are currently using 1.16.3:
whereas we were already using version 2
If we want to upgrade tar-fs we need to upgrade its sources and then import
them in upstream and master branches:
I think Praveen locked the dependency on tar-fs to version 1.x in
I'm unsure if that's because upstream yarn mentions 1.x tar-fs as
dependency or because there are other dependencies to 1.x tar-fs.
The API of tar-fs doesn't change between 1.x and 2.x, but the
dependencies do. And the dependencies we have in debian make it such
that 1.x doesn't work.
I tried following GroupSourcesTutorial and gbp manual. It is becoming
very confusing for me with many version numbers and tags floating
around. So I'll have to leave this here for possibly Praveen to pick up.
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