reassign 969986 nodejs
merge 969986 932659

On Wed, 2020-09-09 at 21:11 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Kevin Locke (2020-09-09 20:32:01)
>> Did you try installing to a chroot:
>> debootstrap testing npm-chroot && chroot npm-chroot sh -c 'apt install -y 
>> npm && npm --version'
> I tried above command just now (inside another chroot), and it failed:
> [...]
> Error: Cannot find module 'semver'
> [...]
> Installing npm into a clean pbuilder chroot (either sid or bullseye) and 
> running "npm --version" does not fail, however.

Good catch.  I am seeing the same behavior.  It looks to me like a
difference in the node module search path, not specific to npm.

If I run `node -e 'console.log(require.resolve.paths("semver"))'` in the
chroot, I get (note the missing /usr prefix):


In pbuilder I get:


I think the problem is that process.execPath is "node" in the chroot and
"/usr/bin/node" in pbuilder and that this is used to build the module
search path.  The problem occurs when /proc is not mounted.

It appears this was already reported in #932659.  Sorry for not noticing
that earlier.


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