Le 22/09/2018 à 13:47, Bastien ROUCARIES a écrit :
Le sam. 22 sept. 2018 à 11:36, Pirate Praveen <prav...@onenetbeyond.org
<mailto:prav...@onenetbeyond.org>> a écrit :
On 8/10/18 2:58 AM, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> - just one node-types-definitelytyped real package would
provide all
> necessary node-types-foo ones, so if a package needs the
@types/foo, it
> can depend on node-types-foo and the right one is pulled in ;
> No
There is already such a package,
What is the current status and how to proceed here?
I think one source package is perfect as it is only a build dependency
No because it is source included. How do you take care of version hell
I don't know exactly how to take care of version hell, but I'm not sure
it should prevent us from trying to ship something -- or we probably
wouldn't ship a single node-* package!
What do you think of the attached script? It assumes the upstream
DefinitelyTyped tree is in "DefinitelyTyped.upstream" as it's the layout
I use for my experiment, and generates a "control" file and a bunch of
"node-types-*.install" files.
jpuydt on irc.debian.org
# Improvements:
# (1) Also generate copyrights files, as index.d.ts files generally
# have an helpful "// Definitions by: " line. One copyright file per
# package?
# (2) In write_control: the first line of index.d.ts has the software name
# and the version, so perhaps it's possible to do more fine-grained work here.
# (3) There are *-tests.js files around, but I'm not sure it's
# possible to create an autopkgtest for each one, since I don't see
# how to find out the deps nor how to properly run them.
import json,os
import apt_pkg
types_path = 'DefinitelyTyped.upstream/types' # FIXME
debian_names_exceptions = {}
cache = apt_pkg.Cache()
def find_debian_name(directory):
# First see if we can directly find the package name
if directory in debian_names_exceptions:
return debian_names_exceptions[directory]
# Then see if we have the corresponding node- package
if 'node-' + directory in cache:
return directory
# If all fails, don't package the definitions
return None
def write_control_header(control):
header = (
"Source: node-definitelytyped\n"
"Section: javascript\n"
"Priority: optional\n"
"Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers <pkg-javascript-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org>\n"
"Uploaders: Julien Puydt <jpu...@debian.org>\n"
"Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11), python3-apt\n"
"Standards-Version: 4.2.1\n"
"Homepage: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped\n"
"Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-definitelytyped.git\n"
"Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-definitelytyped\n"
def write_control(directory, name, control):
control.write('Package: node-types-'+name+'\n')
control.write('Architecture: all\n')
control.write('Depends: ${misc:Depends}, nodejs, node-'+name+'\n')
control.write('Description: type definitions for node-'+name+'\n')
control.write(' This package provides the type definitions corresponding\n')
control.write(' to the code in the node-'+name+' package.\n')
control.write(' .\n')
control.write(' Type declarations are used by the TypeScript\n')
control.write(' compiler and some integrated development environments\n')
control.write(' to feature early error detection.\n')
control.write('\n') # will leave an empty line also after the last one
def write_install(directory, name):
with open('node-types-'+name+'.install', 'w') as outfile:
with open(os.path.join(types_path, directory, 'tsconfig.json'), 'r') as infile:
files = json.load(infile)['files']
for filename in files:
# make sure we don't ship the tests
if not filename.endswith('-tests.ts') and not filename.startswith('test/'):
def main():
with open('control', 'w') as control:
count_ok = 0
count_notok = 0
for directory in os.listdir(types_path):
name = find_debian_name(directory)
if name:
count_ok = count_ok+1
write_control(directory, name, control)
write_install(directory, name)
count_notok = count_notok+1
print('{0:d} node-types-* generated and {1:d} not considered'.format(count_ok, count_notok))
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