Thank you for the information.
In such case I will try to use own build.

Best regards,

2018-03-26 12:11 GMT+02:00 Bas Couwenberg <>:

> On 2018-03-26 11:52, Marek Żakowicz wrote:
> First of all, thank you for the maintenance of spatialite* packages - it's
>> nice to install them using Debian packages from you.  Let me ask for
>> enabling in spatialite some functions like ST_Split
>> <> coming from
>> lwgeom library and available in spatialite after switching:
>> --enable-lwgeom=yes
>> during the build time.
> To quote myself from the recent discussion on gdal-dev:
> "
>  lwgeom support was disabled to untangle the circular dependency as
>  documented in the spatialite changelog:
>   - Drop build dependency on liblwgeom-dev to untangle
>     spatialite->postgis->gdal->spatialite circular dependency.
>  rttopo support will be available in the next spatialite release, but
>  it's taking forever to get past 4.4.0-rc1.
>  There will most likely never be a 4.4.0 final release, and I've also
>  heard talk about skipping 4.5.0 in favor of going for 5.0.0 instead.
>  As long as there is no rttopo support in the released spatialite, the
>  Debian package will not enable the support.
>  The rttopo 1.1.0 final release also hasn't been published yet, this is
>  all still work in process in preparation of proper topo support in
>  spatialite.
>  [...]
>  > If you manually enable lwgeom in the Debian sources and rebuild the
>  > package, everything works as expected... Didn't try for rttopo, but
>  > should behave equal.
>  Your system will fail to do distribution upgrades to newer stable
>  releases. Even updating your systems to get the newer postgis or gdal
>  packages will fail (assuming your on testing/unstable).
>  You're very much on your own if you choose to re-instate the circular
>  dependency. As they say: when it breaks you get to keep the pieces.
> "
> Kind Regards,
> Bas
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