This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository proj.

commit 14c60e8ab17f6f304c5700ada0a28f14f2fba188
Author: Bas Couwenberg <>
Date:   Wed Feb 14 07:30:13 2018 +0100

    Drop patches, applied/included upstream.
 debian/changelog                                   |   1 +
 ...-missing-in-boolean-evaluation.-Fixes-780.patch |  20 --
 ...-and-UV-datatype-clashes-with-other-libra.patch | 135 ------------- | 212 ---------------------
 debian/patches/manpage-section.patch               |  15 --
 debian/patches/series                              |   4 -
 6 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 386 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index becc1f2..19629c7 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 proj (5.0.0~rc3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release candidate.
+  * Drop patches, applied/included upstream.
  -- Bas Couwenberg <>  Wed, 14 Feb 2018 07:29:00 +0100
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index d4e4ce2..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0001-Add-missing-in-boolean-evaluation.-Fixes-780.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-From 332bf648a65b5a1a6bb1e2f5d7f5c7cca1ce1159 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Kristian Evers <>
-Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 16:07:18 +0100
-Subject: Add missing ! in boolean evaluation. Fixes #780.
- src/pj_gridinfo.c | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
---- a/src/pj_gridinfo.c
-+++ b/src/pj_gridinfo.c
-@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ static int pj_gridinfo_init_ntv2( projCt
-             gi->gridname = pj_strdup( gilist->gridname );
-             gi->filename = pj_strdup( gilist->filename );
--            if (!gi->gridname || gi->filename) {
-+            if (!gi->gridname || !gi->filename) {
-                 pj_gridinfo_free(ctx, gi);
-                 pj_dalloc(ct);
-                 pj_gridinfo_free(ctx, gilist);
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f613c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-Description: Avoid XY, LP and UV datatype clashes with other libraries.
- Remove unnecessary definitions of UV and UVW from project.h that collides with
- external libraries. To prevent similar problems in the future the
- datatypes XY, LP, UV, XYZ, LPZ and UVW has been prefixed by PJ_ in
- proj.h and proj_internal.h
-Author: Kristian Evers <>
---- a/src/proj.h
-+++ b/src/proj.h
-@@ -212,13 +212,13 @@ typedef struct { double o, p, k; }
- typedef struct { double e, n, u; }          PJ_ENU;  /* East, North, Up */
- /* Classic proj.4 pair/triplet types */
--typedef struct { double   u,   v; }  UV;
--typedef struct { double   x,   y; }  XY;
--typedef struct { double lam, phi; }  LP;
--typedef struct { double   x,   y,  z; }  XYZ;
--typedef struct { double   u,   v,  w; }  UVW;
--typedef struct { double lam, phi,  z; }  LPZ;
-+typedef struct { double   u,   v; }  PJ_UV;
-+typedef struct { double   x,   y; }  PJ_XY;
-+typedef struct { double lam, phi; }  PJ_LP;
-+typedef struct { double   x,   y,  z; }  PJ_XYZ;
-+typedef struct { double   u,   v,  w; }  PJ_UVW;
-+typedef struct { double lam, phi,  z; }  PJ_LPZ;
- /* Avoid preprocessor renaming and implicit type-punning: Use a union to make 
it explicit */
-@@ -229,12 +229,12 @@ union PJ_COORD {
-     PJ_LPZT lpzt;
-      PJ_OPK opk;
-      PJ_ENU enu;
--        XYZ xyz;
--        UVW uvw;
--        LPZ lpz;
--         XY xy;
--         UV uv;
--         LP lp;
-+     PJ_XYZ xyz;
-+     PJ_UVW uvw;
-+     PJ_LPZ lpz;
-+      PJ_XY xy;
-+      PJ_UV uv;
-+      PJ_LP lp;
- };
-@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ struct PJ_GRID_INFO {
-     char        gridname[32];       /* name of grid                         */
-     char        filename[260];      /* full path to grid                    */
-     char        format[8];          /* file format of grid                  */
--    LP          lowerleft;          /* Coordinates of lower left corner     */
--    LP          upperright;         /* Coordinates of upper right corner    */
-+    PJ_LP       lowerleft;          /* Coordinates of lower left corner     */
-+    PJ_LP       upperright;         /* Coordinates of upper right corner    */
-     int         n_lon, n_lat;       /* Grid size                            */
-     double      cs_lon, cs_lat;     /* Cell size of grid                    */
- };
-@@ -336,16 +336,16 @@ PJ_COORD proj_coord (double x, double y,
- double proj_roundtrip (PJ *P, PJ_DIRECTION direction, int n, PJ_COORD *coo);
- /* Geodesic distance between two points with angular 2D coordinates */
--double proj_lp_dist (const PJ *P, LP a, LP b);
-+double proj_lp_dist (const PJ *P, PJ_LP a, PJ_LP b);
- /* The geodesic distance AND the vertical offset */
--double proj_lpz_dist (const PJ *P, LPZ a, LPZ b);
-+double proj_lpz_dist (const PJ *P, PJ_LPZ a, PJ_LPZ b);
- /* Euclidean distance between two points with linear 2D coordinates */
--double proj_xy_dist (XY a, XY b);
-+double proj_xy_dist (PJ_XY a, PJ_XY b);
- /* Euclidean distance between two points with linear 3D coordinates */
--double proj_xyz_dist (XYZ a, XYZ b);
-+double proj_xyz_dist (PJ_XYZ a, PJ_XYZ b);
- /* Set or read error level */
-@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ int  proj_errno_reset (const PJ *P);
- int  proj_errno_restore (const PJ *P, int err);
- /* Scaling and angular distortion factors */
--PJ_FACTORS proj_factors(PJ *P, LP lp);
-+PJ_FACTORS proj_factors(PJ *P, PJ_LP lp);
- /* Info functions - get information about various PROJ.4 entities */
- PJ_INFO proj_info(void);
---- a/src/proj_internal.h
-+++ b/src/proj_internal.h
-@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ PJ_COORD pj_approx_3D_trans (PJ *P, PJ_D
- /* Grid functionality */
- int             proj_vgrid_init(PJ *P, const char *grids);
- int             proj_hgrid_init(PJ *P, const char *grids);
--double          proj_vgrid_value(PJ *P, LP lp);
--LP              proj_hgrid_value(PJ *P, LP lp);
--LP              proj_hgrid_apply(PJ *P, LP lp, PJ_DIRECTION direction);
-+double          proj_vgrid_value(PJ *P, PJ_LP lp);
-+PJ_LP           proj_hgrid_value(PJ *P, PJ_LP lp);
-+PJ_LP           proj_hgrid_apply(PJ *P, PJ_LP lp, PJ_DIRECTION direction);
- /* High level functionality for handling thread contexts */
- enum proj_log_level {
---- a/src/projects.h
-+++ b/src/projects.h
-@@ -157,10 +157,6 @@ typedef struct { double u, v, w; } projU
- #define XYZ projUVW
- #define LPZ projUVW
--/* Yes, this is ridiculous, but a consequence of an old and bad decision 
about implicit type-punning through preprocessor abuse */
--typedef struct { double u, v; }        UV;
--typedef struct { double u, v, w; }     UVW;
- #else
- typedef struct { double x, y; }        XY;
- typedef struct { double x, y, z; }     XYZ;
-@@ -169,6 +165,15 @@ typedef struct { double lam, phi, z; } L
- typedef struct { double u, v; }        UV;
- typedef struct { double u, v, w; }     UVW;
- #endif  /* ndef PJ_LIB__ */
-+typedef PJ_XY XY;
-+typedef PJ_LP LP;
-+typedef PJ_UV UV;
-+typedef PJ_XYZ XYZ;
-+typedef PJ_LPZ LPZ;
-+typedef PJ_UVW UVW;
- #endif  /* ndef PROJ_H   */
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fce667..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-From 8ac00a13f4b78ee5c888617e29158fc774f54dc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Kristian Evers <>
-Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 14:26:29 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Trying to fix #778 by using doubles in robin and relaxing
- tolerances in a few tests
- nad/testvarious       |  4 +--
- nad/tv_out.dist       | 20 ++++++-------
- src/PJ_robin.c        | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
- test/gie/builtins.gie | 20 +++++++------
- 4 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
---- a/nad/testvarious
-+++ b/nad/testvarious
-@@ -782,11 +782,11 @@ EOF
- echo  "##############################################################" >> 
- echo  "Test SCH inverse projection" >> ${OUT}
- #
--$EXE -f '%.7f' \
-+$EXE -f '%.6f' \
-     +proj=sch +datum=WGS84 +plat_0=30.0 +plon_0=45.0 +phdg_0=-12.0 +nodefs 
+to \
-     +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 \
-  -E >> ${OUT} <<EOF
--0. 0.
-+0. 0. 2.
- 0. 1000.
- 1000. 0.
- 1000. 1000.
---- a/nad/tv_out.dist
-+++ b/nad/tv_out.dist
-@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ Test transverse mercator inverse (#97)
- 15d4'42.357"E 14d48'56.372"N 0.000    3999967.33      1999855.31 0.00
- ##############################################################
- Test robinson projection (#113)
---30 40        -2612095.95     4276351.58 0.00
---35 45        -2963455.42     4805073.65 0.00
--20 40 1741397.30      4276351.58 0.00
---2612095.95     4276351.58 0.00       30d0'0.004"W    40d0'0.066"N 0.000
---2963455.42     4805073.65 0.00       35dW    45dN 0.000
--1741397.30      4276351.58 0.00       20d0'0.002"E    40d0'0.066"N 0.000
-+-30 40        -2612096.00     4276351.68 0.00
-+-35 45        -2963455.41     4805073.66 0.00
-+20 40 1741397.33      4276351.68 0.00
-+-2612095.95     4276351.58 0.00       30d0'0.006"W    40d0'0.063"N 0.000
-+-2963455.42     4805073.65 0.00       34d59'59.989"W  44d59'59.946"N 0.000
-+1741397.30      4276351.58 0.00       20d0'0.004"E    40d0'0.063"N 0.000
- ##############################################################
- Test hammer projection (pull request #329)
- -30 40        -2711575.08     4395506.62 0.00
-@@ -389,10 +389,10 @@ Test SCH forward projection
- 30.0 45.0     1974596.2356203 787409.8217445 773.0028577
- ##############################################################
- Test SCH inverse projection
--0. 0. 45.0000000      30.0000000 0.0000000
--0. 1000.      44.9898625      29.9981240 -0.0003617
--1000. 0.      44.9978450      30.0088238 -0.0000000
--1000. 1000.   44.9877066      30.0069477 -0.0005228
-+0. 0. 2.      45.000000       30.000000 2.000000
-+0. 1000.      44.989863       29.998124 -0.000362
-+1000. 0.      44.997845       30.008824 -0.000000
-+1000. 1000.   44.987707       30.006948 -0.000523
- ##############################################################
- Test issue #316 (switch utm to use etmerc)
- 0 83  145723.870553   9300924.845226 0.000000
---- a/src/PJ_robin.c
-+++ b/src/PJ_robin.c
-@@ -17,51 +17,51 @@
- */
- struct COEFS {
--    float c0, c1, c2, c3;
-+    double c0, c1, c2, c3;
- };
- static const struct COEFS X[] = {
--    {1.0f, 2.2199e-17f, -7.15515e-05f, 3.1103e-06f},
--    {0.9986f, -0.000482243f, -2.4897e-05f, -1.3309e-06f},
--    {0.9954f, -0.00083103f, -4.48605e-05f, -9.86701e-07f},
--    {0.99f, -0.00135364f, -5.9661e-05f, 3.6777e-06f},
--    {0.9822f, -0.00167442f, -4.49547e-06f, -5.72411e-06f},
--    {0.973f, -0.00214868f, -9.03571e-05f, 1.8736e-08f},
--    {0.96f, -0.00305085f, -9.00761e-05f, 1.64917e-06f},
--    {0.9427f, -0.00382792f, -6.53386e-05f, -2.6154e-06f},
--    {0.9216f, -0.00467746f, -0.00010457f, 4.81243e-06f},
--    {0.8962f, -0.00536223f, -3.23831e-05f, -5.43432e-06f},
--    {0.8679f, -0.00609363f, -0.000113898f, 3.32484e-06f},
--    {0.835f, -0.00698325f, -6.40253e-05f, 9.34959e-07f},
--    {0.7986f, -0.00755338f, -5.00009e-05f, 9.35324e-07f},
--    {0.7597f, -0.00798324f, -3.5971e-05f, -2.27626e-06f},
--    {0.7186f, -0.00851367f, -7.01149e-05f, -8.6303e-06f},
--    {0.6732f, -0.00986209f, -0.000199569f, 1.91974e-05f},
--    {0.6213f, -0.010418f, 8.83923e-05f, 6.24051e-06f},
--    {0.5722f, -0.00906601f, 0.000182f, 6.24051e-06f},
--    {0.5322f, -0.00677797f, 0.000275608f, 6.24051e-06f}
-+    {1.0, 2.2199e-17, -7.15515e-05, 3.1103e-06},
-+    {0.9986, -0.000482243, -2.4897e-05, -1.3309e-06},
-+    {0.9954, -0.00083103, -4.48605e-05, -9.86701e-07},
-+    {0.99, -0.00135364, -5.9661e-05, 3.6777e-06},
-+    {0.9822, -0.00167442, -4.49547e-06, -5.72411e-06},
-+    {0.973, -0.00214868, -9.03571e-05, 1.8736e-08},
-+    {0.96, -0.00305085, -9.00761e-05, 1.64917e-06},
-+    {0.9427, -0.00382792, -6.53386e-05, -2.6154e-06},
-+    {0.9216, -0.00467746, -0.00010457, 4.81243e-06},
-+    {0.8962, -0.00536223, -3.23831e-05, -5.43432e-06},
-+    {0.8679, -0.00609363, -0.000113898, 3.32484e-06},
-+    {0.835, -0.00698325, -6.40253e-05, 9.34959e-07},
-+    {0.7986, -0.00755338, -5.00009e-05, 9.35324e-07},
-+    {0.7597, -0.00798324, -3.5971e-05, -2.27626e-06},
-+    {0.7186, -0.00851367, -7.01149e-05, -8.6303e-06},
-+    {0.6732, -0.00986209, -0.000199569, 1.91974e-05},
-+    {0.6213, -0.010418, 8.83923e-05, 6.24051e-06},
-+    {0.5722, -0.00906601, 0.000182, 6.24051e-06},
-+    {0.5322, -0.00677797, 0.000275608, 6.24051e-06}
- };
- static const struct COEFS Y[] = {
--    {-5.20417e-18f, 0.0124f, 1.21431e-18f, -8.45284e-11f},
--    {0.062f, 0.0124f, -1.26793e-09f, 4.22642e-10f},
--    {0.124f, 0.0124f, 5.07171e-09f, -1.60604e-09f},
--    {0.186f, 0.0123999f, -1.90189e-08f, 6.00152e-09f},
--    {0.248f, 0.0124002f, 7.10039e-08f, -2.24e-08f},
--    {0.31f, 0.0123992f, -2.64997e-07f, 8.35986e-08f},
--    {0.372f, 0.0124029f, 9.88983e-07f, -3.11994e-07f},
--    {0.434f, 0.0123893f, -3.69093e-06f, -4.35621e-07f},
--    {0.4958f, 0.0123198f, -1.02252e-05f, -3.45523e-07f},
--    {0.5571f, 0.0121916f, -1.54081e-05f, -5.82288e-07f},
--    {0.6176f, 0.0119938f, -2.41424e-05f, -5.25327e-07f},
--    {0.6769f, 0.011713f, -3.20223e-05f, -5.16405e-07f},
--    {0.7346f, 0.0113541f, -3.97684e-05f, -6.09052e-07f},
--    {0.7903f, 0.0109107f, -4.89042e-05f, -1.04739e-06f},
--    {0.8435f, 0.0103431f, -6.4615e-05f, -1.40374e-09f},
--    {0.8936f, 0.00969686f, -6.4636e-05f, -8.547e-06f},
--    {0.9394f, 0.00840947f, -0.000192841f, -4.2106e-06f},
--    {0.9761f, 0.00616527f, -0.000256f, -4.2106e-06f},
--    {1.0f, 0.00328947f, -0.000319159f, -4.2106e-06f}
-+    {-5.20417e-18, 0.0124, 1.21431e-18, -8.45284e-11},
-+    {0.062, 0.0124, -1.26793e-09, 4.22642e-10},
-+    {0.124, 0.0124, 5.07171e-09, -1.60604e-09},
-+    {0.186, 0.0123999, -1.90189e-08, 6.00152e-09},
-+    {0.248, 0.0124002, 7.10039e-08, -2.24e-08},
-+    {0.31, 0.0123992, -2.64997e-07, 8.35986e-08},
-+    {0.372, 0.0124029, 9.88983e-07, -3.11994e-07},
-+    {0.434, 0.0123893, -3.69093e-06, -4.35621e-07},
-+    {0.4958, 0.0123198, -1.02252e-05, -3.45523e-07},
-+    {0.5571, 0.0121916, -1.54081e-05, -5.82288e-07},
-+    {0.6176, 0.0119938, -2.41424e-05, -5.25327e-07},
-+    {0.6769, 0.011713, -3.20223e-05, -5.16405e-07},
-+    {0.7346, 0.0113541, -3.97684e-05, -6.09052e-07},
-+    {0.7903, 0.0109107, -4.89042e-05, -1.04739e-06},
-+    {0.8435, 0.0103431, -6.4615e-05, -1.40374e-09},
-+    {0.8936, 0.00969686, -6.4636e-05, -8.547e-06},
-+    {0.9394, 0.00840947, -0.000192841, -4.2106e-06},
-+    {0.9761, 0.00616527, -0.000256, -4.2106e-06},
-+    {1.0, 0.00328947, -0.000319159, -4.2106e-06}
- };
- #define FXC 0.8487
-@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ static LP s_inverse (XY xy, PJ *P) {
-         /* first guess, linear interp */
-         t = 5. * (lp.phi - T.c0)/(Y[i+1].c0 - T.c0);
-         /* make into root */
--        T.c0 = (float)(T.c0 - lp.phi);
-+        T.c0 = (T.c0 - lp.phi);
-         for (iters = MAX_ITER; iters ; --iters) { /* Newton-Raphson */
-             t -= t1 = V(T,t) / DV(T,t);
-             if (fabs(t1) < EPS)
---- a/test/gie/builtins.gie
-+++ b/test/gie/builtins.gie
-@@ -627,7 +627,8 @@ Chamberlin Trimetric
- operation +proj=chamb   +R=6400000    +lat_1=0.5 +lat_2=2
--tolerance 0.00010 mm
-+# Relaxed tolerance as a guard against numerical instability on non-amd64 
-+tolerance 0.5 mm
- accept  2 1
- expect  -27864.779586801 -223364.324593274
- accept  2 -1
-@@ -3585,15 +3586,15 @@ Robinson
- operation +proj=robin   +a=6400000    +lat_1=0.5 +lat_2=2
--tolerance 0.00010 mm
--accept  2 1
--expect  189588.423282508 107318.530350703
--accept  2 -1
--expect  189588.423282508 -107318.530350703
-+tolerance 0.0001 m
-+accept   2 1
-+expect   189588.4233  107318.5273
-+accept   2 -1
-+expect   189588.4233 -107318.5273
- accept  -2 1
--expect  -189588.423282508 107318.530350703
-+expect  -189588.4233  107318.5273
- accept  -2 -1
--expect  -189588.423282508 -107318.530350703
-+expect  -189588.4233 -107318.5273
- direction inverse
- accept  200 100
-@@ -4315,7 +4316,8 @@ van der Grinten II
- operation +proj=vandg2   +a=6400000    +lat_1=0.5 +lat_2=2
--tolerance 0.00010 mm
-+# Relaxed tolerance as a guard against numerical instability on non-amd64 
-+tolerance 0.5 mm
- accept  2 1
- expect  223395.247850437 111718.491037226
- accept  2 -1
diff --git a/debian/patches/manpage-section.patch 
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d6873c..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/manpage-section.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Description: Fix manpage section for pj_init.
-Author: Bas Couwenberg <>
---- a/man/man3/pj_init.3
-+++ b/man/man3/pj_init.3
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- .\" @(#)pj_init.3 - 5.0.0
- .\"
--.TH PJ_INIT 3U "2018/02/15 Rel. 5.0.0"
-+.TH PJ_INIT 3 "2018/02/15 Rel. 5.0.0"
- .ad b
- .hy 1
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index e799b7e..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on 

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