On 02/07/2018 09:44 PM, Paul Rogé wrote:
> On 02/07/2018 12:29 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> I cannot reproduce this issue. Which steps does one need to take to
>> reproduce this issue?
> I make a project with two layers: (1) a shapefile with points (2) a
> basemap from the QOSM plugin (Stamen Watercolor type). I save the
> project, and also create a print composer. I save both the project and
> print composer before closing. When I try opening the .qgs file, both
> the project and composer windows open briefly before crashing.

Please provide the shapefile (preferably a minimal subset) with which
the issue can be reproduced.

Make sure to CC the bugreport in your replies.

>>> ERROR 6: No translation for an empty SRS to PROJ.4 format is known.
>> This seems like an issue in your project that you should fix.
> Not sure what could be causing SRS to PROJ.4 error. Pretty sure I had
> WGS84 set with on the fly projection, though can't verify since the
> project won't open.

Delete the project and recreate it.

Kind Regards,


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