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pini pushed a commit to branch master
in repository hdf5.

commit 25bd1e196951841a954b83f9b9603ba578840257
Merge: 5548940 f8a4421
Author: Gilles Filippini <>
Date:   Sun Jan 14 15:49:58 2018 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.10.1+repack'
    Upstream version 1.10.1+repack

 .autom4te.cfg                           |  18 +
 .h5chkright.ini                         |  54 ++
 Makefile                                |  35 --
 bin/README                              |   2 +
 bin/bbrelease                           | 411 ++++++++++++++
 bin/checkapi                            |  65 +++
 bin/checkposix                          | 113 ++++
 bin/chkconfigure                        |  82 +++
 bin/chkcopyright                        | 866 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 bin/debug-ohdr                          |  38 ++
 bin/errors                              | 138 +++++
 bin/gcov_script                         |  51 ++
 bin/pkgscrpts/h5rmflags                 | 165 ++++++
 bin/pkgscrpts/ | 366 ++++++++++++
 bin/pkgscrpts/     | 215 +++++++
 bin/pkgscrpts/        | 182 ++++++
 bin/runtest                             | 966 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 bin/snapshot_version                    |  19 +
 bin/switch_maint_mode                   |  81 +++
 bin/timekeeper                          | 129 +++++
 src/                         | 150 +++++
 src/hdf5-lin.lnt                        |  24 +
 src/hdf5-win.lnt                        |  39 ++
 src/hdf5.lnt                            |  90 +++
 24 files changed, 4264 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on 

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