On 2018-01-02 14:18, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
On Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 01:58:56PM +0100, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
Hi Francesco,
On 2018-01-02 13:36, Francesco Lovergine wrote:
> + * The doxygen jquery is currently a fork of jquery in minified form,
> and it
> + is not compatible with the modern one. Replacement with the
> libjsquery
> + provided now removed.
This will need a lintian override to document why libjs-jquery is not
This is cleary suboptimal, a better fix would be an update to a new
chain in doxygen. I'm still not sure to be able to get something like
that in a proper
way. I would add the lintian ovverride after that. I think this should
be a
common issue for all doxgen related packages, BTW.
The embedded jquery was removed because it triggered the
embedded-javascript-library lintian warning.
If there are good reasons to use the embedded jquery instead of
libjs-jquery (the doxygen case seems like one), then the lintian issue
needs to be overridden with the comment explaining why libjs-jquery is
not used.
I don't think the libjs-jquery package is a suitable replacement for all
use cases, so if embedded copies are used instead the lintian issue just
needs an override.
Please note that the libjs-jquery dependencies are still present, so
more changes are needed in addition to the removal in debian/rules.
Kind Regards,
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