Hi Sebastiaan,
I refreshed a bit the gis-remotsensing task file.

Now that a new version of doris is in the archive I would like to
restore the entry in the remotsensing task file if it is OK for you.

I also updated the dependency from development package of epr-api:
libepr-api-dev instead of the transitional package libepr-api2-dev.

IMO we could totally drop libepr-api2-dev as soon as a new version of
gis-repotesensing and gis-devel are uploaded.

I also noted that git-remotesensing and gis-devel suggest some ossim
related packages that seems to be no longer in the archive:
ossim-plugins, ossim-gui, ossim-planet, ossim-planet-qt,

Shall we drop them?


Antonio Valentino

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