tag 784619 - |fixed-upstream


I just pushed my unfinished Qt4 > Qt5 work to my fork of creepy on
Github (https://github.com/RossGammon/creepy/tree/qt4-qt5) and added a
link to the upstream issue (No. 9 - which was closed as "Won't fix").
They are the same patches I pushed to the Debian GIS repo on Alioth.

As Creepy looks totally unmaintained upstream these days, I recommend we
remove it from unstable.

I will keep watching the Github repo, and if I ever see some commits,
and a release we can work with, then we can always ITP > NEW queue
again. But is doesn't look likely.

I know Bas will probably support this - he is no doubt tired of seeing
Creepy at the top of the GIS Team Dashboard.

What do you think Petter?



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