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ross-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository creepy.

commit 7183e079312eacb0153f27e814056123b1840b55
Author: Ross Gammon <>
Date:   Tue Dec 27 13:21:43 2016 +0100

    Update changelog
 debian/changelog                      |   3 +-
 debian/patches/15-RemoveQstring.patch | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 311ab8e..a91f46b 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ creepy (1.4.1-6) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   [ Ross Gammon ]
   * Add patch with regenerated gui files using pyuic5
   * Added patch to regereate creepy resources using pyrcc5
-  * Add patch to switch Qt4 imports to Qt5.
+  * Add patch to switch Qt4 imports to Qt5
+  * Add patch to drop QString which is not available in PyQt5
   * Switch to the Qt5 python library as a dependency
     Thanks to Dmitry Shachnev (Closes: #784619)
   * Use Ubuntu email address
diff --git a/debian/patches/15-RemoveQstring.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7542010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/15-RemoveQstring.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+Description: Remove Qstring
+ As part of the conversion to QT5, all Qstring imports that appear to be
+ used by Creepy have been removed. And as PyQt5 handles strings in the
+ way Qt5 expects, Qstring has been dropped in the code in favour of the
+ native python strings. Thanks to Petter Reinholdtsen for the hint.
+Author: Ross Gammon <>
+Forwarded: Not yet
+Applied-Upstream: Not yet
+Last-Update: 2016-12-27
+This patch header follows DEP-3:
+--- creepy.orig/creepy/components/
++++ creepy/creepy/components/
+@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
+ import os
+ from PyQt5.QtGui import QWizard, QMessageBox, QWidget, QScrollArea, 
QLineEdit, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QCheckBox, \
+     QGridLayout
+-from PyQt5.QtCore import QString
+ from models.PluginConfigurationListModel import PluginConfigurationListModel
+ from models.ProjectWizardPossibleTargetsTable import 
+ from models.InputPlugin import InputPlugin
+@@ -11,10 +10,7 @@
+ from ui.PersonProjectWizard import Ui_personProjectWizard
+ from utilities import GeneralUtilities
+-    _fromUtf8 = QString.fromUtf8
+-except AttributeError:
+-    _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s
++_fromUtf8 = lambda s: s
+ class PersonProjectWizard(QWizard):
+--- creepy.orig/creepy/components/
++++ creepy/creepy/components/
+@@ -3,17 +3,14 @@
+ import os
+ from PyQt5.QtGui import QWizard, QMessageBox, QWidget, QScrollArea, 
QLineEdit, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QCheckBox, \
+     QGridLayout
+-from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSlot, QString
++from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSlot
+ from models.PluginConfigurationListModel import PluginConfigurationListModel
+ from models.InputPlugin import InputPlugin
+ from yapsy.PluginManager import PluginManagerSingleton
+ from ui.PlaceProjectWizard import Ui_placeProjectWizard
+ from utilities import GeneralUtilities
+-    _fromUtf8 = QString.fromUtf8
+-except AttributeError:
+-    _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s
++_fromUtf8 = lambda s: s
+--- creepy.orig/creepy/
++++ creepy/creepy/
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ import webbrowser
+ from components import creepy_resources_compiled
+ from distutils.version import StrictVersion
+-from PyQt5.QtCore import QString, QThread, SIGNAL, QUrl, QDateTime, QDate, 
QRect, Qt
++from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, SIGNAL, QUrl, QDateTime, QDate, QRect, Qt
+ from PyQt5.QtGui import QMainWindow, QApplication, QMessageBox, QFileDialog, 
QWidget, QScrollArea, QVBoxLayout, QIcon, \
+     QTableWidgetItem, QAbstractItemView
+ from PyQt5.QtGui import QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit, QCheckBox, 
QPushButton, QStackedWidget, QGridLayout, QMenu, \
+@@ -56,10 +56,8 @@
+ # Capture stderr and stdout to a file
+ sys.stdout = open(os.path.join(GeneralUtilities.getLogDir(), 
'creepy_stdout.log'), 'w')
+ sys.stderr = open(os.path.join(GeneralUtilities.getLogDir(), 
'creepy_stderr.log'), 'w')
+-    _fromUtf8 = QString.fromUtf8
+-except AttributeError:
+-    _fromUtf8 = lambda s: s
++_fromUtf8 = lambda s: s
+ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
+@@ -228,8 +226,8 @@
+         filterLocationsPointDialog.ui.mapPage.mainFrame().setUrl(
+             QUrl(os.path.join(GeneralUtilities.getIncludeDir(), 
+-        filterLocationsPointDialog.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.insertItem(0, 
+-        filterLocationsPointDialog.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.insertItem(1, 
++        filterLocationsPointDialog.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.insertItem(0, 'km')
++        filterLocationsPointDialog.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.insertItem(1, 'm')
+             filterLocationsPointDialog.onUnitChanged)
+@@ -369,22 +367,22 @@
+         mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript('showMarkers()')
+     def addMarkerToMap(self, mapFrame, location):
+-        mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript(QString('addMarker(' + 
str(location.latitude) + ',' + str(location.longitude) +
++        mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript('addMarker(' + str(location.latitude) + 
',' + str(location.longitude) +
+                                             ',\"' + location.infowindow + 
'\",\"' + location.plugin + '\",\"' +
+-                                            location.accuracy + '\")'))
++                                            location.accuracy + '\")')
+     def refreshMap(self, mapFrame):
+-        mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript(QString('refreshMap()'))
++        mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript('refreshMap()')
+     def centerMap(self, mapFrame, location):
+         mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript(
+-            QString('centerMap(' + str(location.latitude) + ',' + 
str(location.longitude) + ')'))
++            'centerMap(' + str(location.latitude) + ',' + 
str(location.longitude) + ')')
+     def setMapZoom(self, mapFrame, level):
+-        mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript(QString('setZoom(' + str(level) + ')'))
++        mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript('setZoom(' + str(level) + ')')
+     def clearMarkers(self, mapFrame):
+-        mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript(QString('clearMarkers()'))
++        mapFrame.evaluateJavaScript('clearMarkers()')
+     def linkClicked(self, link):
+, new=1)
+@@ -563,7 +561,7 @@
+             else:
+                 analysisDocument = self.currentProject.analysisDocument
+         analysisFrame = self.ui.analysisWebPage.mainFrame()
+-        analysisFrame.setHtml(QString(unicode(analysisDocument)),
++        analysisFrame.setHtml(unicode(analysisDocument),
+                               QUrl('file://' + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 
+     def presentLocations(self, locations):
+@@ -804,7 +802,7 @@
+         """
+         def searchForPlace():
+             placeProjectWizard.ui.mapPage.mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(
+         placeProjectWizard = PlaceProjectWizard()
+         placeProjectWizard.ProjectWizardPluginListModel = 
+             placeProjectWizard.loadConfiguredPlugins(), self)
+@@ -815,8 +813,8 @@
+         placeProjectWizard.ui.mapPage.mainFrame().setUrl(
+             QUrl(os.path.join(GeneralUtilities.getIncludeDir(), 
+-        placeProjectWizard.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.insertItem(0, QString('km'))
+-        placeProjectWizard.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.insertItem(1, QString('m'))
++        placeProjectWizard.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.insertItem(0, 'km')
++        placeProjectWizard.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.insertItem(1, 'm')
+         placeProjectWizard.ui.radiusUnitComboBox.activated[str].connect(
+             placeProjectWizard.onUnitChanged)
+--- creepy.orig/creepy/plugins/twitter/
++++ creepy/creepy/plugins/twitter/
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+ import urllib
+ import pytz
+ from PyQt5.QtGui import QWizard, QWizardPage, QLabel, QLineEdit, QVBoxLayout, 
QHBoxLayout, QMessageBox
+-from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QString
++from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl
+ from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebView
+ from tweepy import Cursor
+ from datetime import datetime

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on 

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