Control: block -1 by 846853
Control: tags -1 + patch

Gilles Filippini a écrit le 03/12/2016 à 02:34 :
> Gilles Filippini a écrit le 03/12/2016 à 01:35 :
>> Gilles Filippini a écrit le 02/12/2016 à 23:26 :
>>> Sebastiaan Couwenberg a écrit le 02/12/2016 à 15:34 :
>>>> On 12/02/2016 09:55 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>>>> On 12/01/2016 07:48 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 30 Nov 2016 15:10:03 +0000 Iain Lane wrote:
>>>>>>> This package FTBFS on 32 bit arches (works on amd64 and other 64 bit
>>>>>>> arches), maybe due to the new hdf5
>>>>>> Quite likely, since hdf-eos5 hasn't been rebuilt for the hdf5 transition
>>>>>> yet. I suspect this issue to fix itself once that's done.
>>>>> It did not, but did only fail on 32-bit architectures.
>>>> Gilles, these failures seem to be caused by the hid_t type change from
>>>> 32-bit to a 64-bit value. I'm not sure how to fix it for ruby-hdfeos5,
>>>> can you maybe provide a patch?
>>> Damn, I tested the build on amd64 only :/
>>> I've tried fixing the 'incompatible pointer type' warning, but it
>>> deosn't change anything wrt the test suite.
>>> Is there a way to ensure first that hdf-eos5 works fine on 32 bit archs?
>> CC-ing Alastair, maintainer of hdf-eos5.
>> AIUI the problem lies in hdf-eos5. I've ran a very simple C test made
>> after the first lines of test/test_gd.rb (source attached), both on
>> amd64 and i386. It succeeds on amd64 and fails on i386 at the
>> HE5_GDdetach step with:
>> $ ./myhe5-32
>> bufsize = 19
>> ColumnAmountAerosol
>> HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.0-patch1) thread 4142823168:
>>   #000: GDapi.c line 1140 in HE5_GDchkgdid(): Cannot get the Grid index
>>     major: Invalid arguments to routine
>>     minor: Out of range
>> HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.0-patch1) thread 4142823168:
>>   #000: EHapi.c line 2206 in HE5_EHchkfid(): Invalid file ID: 0. ID
>> should range from 67108864 to  67109064 .
>>     major: Invalid arguments to routine
>>     minor: Bad value
>> HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.0-patch1) thread 4142823168:
>>   #000: GDapi.c line 1151 in HE5_GDchkgdid(): Checking for file ID failed.
>>     major: Invalid arguments to routine
>>     minor: Out of range
>> HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.0-patch1) thread 4142823168:
>>   #000: GDapi.c line 12623 in HE5_GDdetach(): Checking for grid ID failed.
>>     major: Invalid arguments to routine
>>     minor: Out of range
> The problem seems to be the type conversion functions in EHapi.c. For
> instance:
> long
> HE5_EHhid2long(hid_t invalue)
> {
>   long  outvalue = FAIL;
>   if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(int))
>         outvalue = HE5_EHint2long(invalue);
>   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
>         outvalue = invalue;
>   return(outvalue);
> }
> On 32 bit archs:
>   sizeof(hid_t) != sizeof(int)
>   sizeof(hid_t) != sizeof(long)
>   sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long)
> The conversion functions should be adapted accordingly.

I've filed #846853 against src:hdf-eos5. There are issues in
ruby-hdfeos5 as well. See the attached patch.

With these fixes the ruby-hdfeos5 testsuite passes on 64 bit and 32 bit


diff -Nru ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/changelog ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/changelog
--- ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/changelog   2016-03-01 10:16:48.000000000 +0100
+++ ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/changelog   2016-12-03 18:55:27.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+ruby-hdfeos5 (1.2-6.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload
+  * Fix FTBFS on 32 bi architectures against hdf5 1.10 (closes: #846353)
+ -- Gilles Filippini <>  Sat, 03 Dec 2016 18:55:27 +0100
 ruby-hdfeos5 (1.2-6) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Remove dbg package
diff -Nru ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/patches/hid_t.patch 
--- ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/patches/hid_t.patch 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/patches/hid_t.patch 2016-12-03 15:23:32.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+Index: ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/hdfeos5gd_wrap.c
+--- ruby-hdfeos5-1.2.orig/hdfeos5gd_wrap.c
++++ ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/hdfeos5gd_wrap.c
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ #endif
+ extern int   check_numbertype(char *);
+-extern int   change_numbertype(char *);
++extern hid_t change_numbertype(char *);
+ extern int   change_entrycode(char *);
+ extern int   change_projcode(char *);
+ extern int   change_compmethod(char *);
+@@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ hdfeos5_gdinqfields(VALUE mod, VALUE ent
+     i_count = (int)o_nflds;
+     rank = hdfeos5_cintary2obj(o_rank, i_count, 1, &i_count);
+-    ntype = hdfeos5_cintary2obj(o_ntype, i_count, 1, &i_count);
++    ntype = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_ntype, i_count, 1, &i_count);
+     return rb_ary_new3(4, nflds, fieldlist, rank, ntype);
+ }
+@@ -1905,12 +1905,12 @@ hdfeos5_gdsetextdata(VALUE mod, VALUE fi
+       size = rb_Array(size);
+     }
+     i_filelist = RSTRING_PTR(filelist);
+-    i_offset = hdfeos5_obj2clongary(offset);
++    i_offset = hdfeos5_obj2cunsint64ary(offset);
+     i_size = hdfeos5_obj2cunsint64ary(size);
+     o_rtn_val = HE5_GDsetextdata(i_gridid, i_filelist, i_offset, i_size);
+     rtn_val = (o_rtn_val == FAIL) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
+-    hdfeos5_freeclongary(i_offset);
++    hdfeos5_freecunsint64ary(i_offset);
+     hdfeos5_freecunsint64ary(i_size);
+     return rtn_val;
+ }
+@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ hdfeos5_gdgetextdata(VALUE mod, VALUE fi
+     namelength = hdfeos5_cintary2obj((int*)o_namelength,o_nfiles,1,&o_nfiles);
+     filelist = hdfeos5_ccharary2obj(o_filelist,o_nfiles,o_nfiles);
+-    offset = hdfeos5_clongary2obj(o_offset,o_nfiles,1,&o_nfiles);
++    offset = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_offset,o_nfiles,1,&o_nfiles);
+     size = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_size,o_nfiles,1,&o_nfiles);
+     return rb_ary_new3(5,nfiles, namelength, filelist, offset, size);
+Index: ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/hdfeos5sw_wrap.c
+--- ruby-hdfeos5-1.2.orig/hdfeos5sw_wrap.c
++++ ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/hdfeos5sw_wrap.c
+@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ hdfeos5_swinqdatafields(VALUE mod, VALUE
+     i_count = (int)o_nflds;
+     rank = hdfeos5_cintary2obj(o_rank, i_count, 1, &i_count);
+-    ntype = hdfeos5_cintary2obj(o_ntype, i_count, 1, &i_count);
++    ntype = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_ntype, i_count, 1, &i_count);
+     return rb_ary_new3(4, nflds, fieldlist, rank, ntype);
+ }
+@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ hdfeos5_swinqgeofields(VALUE mod, VALUE
+     i_count = (int)o_nflds;
+     rank = hdfeos5_cintary2obj(o_rank, i_count, 1, &i_count);
+-    ntype = hdfeos5_cintary2obj(o_ntype, i_count, 1, &i_count);
++    ntype = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_ntype, i_count, 1, &i_count);
+     return rb_ary_new3(4, nflds, fieldlist, rank, ntype);
+ }
+@@ -2685,12 +2685,12 @@ hdfeos5_swsetextdata(VALUE mod, VALUE fi
+       size = rb_Array(size);
+     }
+     i_filelist = RSTRING_PTR(filelist);
+-    i_offset = hdfeos5_obj2clongary(offset);
++    i_offset = hdfeos5_obj2cunsint64ary(offset);
+     i_size = hdfeos5_obj2cunsint64ary(size);
+     o_rtn_val = HE5_SWsetextdata(i_swathid, i_filelist, i_offset, i_size);
+     rtn_val = (o_rtn_val == FAIL) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
+-    hdfeos5_freeclongary(i_offset);
++    hdfeos5_freecunsint64ary(i_offset);
+     hdfeos5_freecunsint64ary(i_size);
+     return rtn_val;
+ }
+@@ -2726,7 +2726,7 @@ hdfeos5_swgetextdata(VALUE mod, VALUE fi
+     namelength = 
+     filelist = hdfeos5_ccharary2obj(o_filelist,o_rtn_val,o_rtn_val);
+-    offset = hdfeos5_clongary2obj(o_offset,o_rtn_val,1,&o_rtn_val);
++    offset = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_offset,o_rtn_val,1,&o_rtn_val);
+     size = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_size,o_rtn_val,1,&o_rtn_val);
+     return rb_ary_new3(5,rtn_val, namelength, filelist, offset, size);
+Index: ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/hdfeos5za_wrap.c
+--- ruby-hdfeos5-1.2.orig/hdfeos5za_wrap.c
++++ ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/hdfeos5za_wrap.c
+@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ hdfeos5_zainquire(VALUE mod, VALUE entry
+     i_count = (int)o_nflds;
+     rank = hdfeos5_cintary2obj(o_rank, i_count, 1, &i_count);
+-    ntype = hdfeos5_cintary2obj(o_ntype, i_count, 1, &i_count);
++    ntype = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_ntype, i_count, 1, &i_count);
+     return rb_ary_new3(4, nflds, fieldlist, rank, ntype);
+ }
+@@ -1603,12 +1603,12 @@ hdfeos5_zasetextdata(VALUE mod, VALUE fi
+       size = rb_Array(size);
+     }
+     i_filelist = RSTRING_PTR(filelist);
+-    i_offset = hdfeos5_obj2clongary(offset);
++    i_offset = hdfeos5_obj2cunsint64ary(offset);
+     i_size = hdfeos5_obj2cunsint64ary(size);
+     o_rtn_val = HE5_ZAsetextdata(i_zaid, i_filelist, i_offset, i_size);
+     rtn_val = (o_rtn_val == FAIL) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
+-    hdfeos5_freeclongary(i_offset);
++    hdfeos5_freecunsint64ary(i_offset);
+     hdfeos5_freecunsint64ary(i_size);
+     return rtn_val;
+ }
+@@ -1644,7 +1644,7 @@ hdfeos5_zagetextdata(VALUE mod, VALUE fi
+     namelength = 
+     filelist = hdfeos5_ccharary2obj(o_filelist,o_rtn_val,o_rtn_val);
+-    offset = hdfeos5_clongary2obj(o_offset,o_rtn_val,1,&o_rtn_val);
++    offset = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_offset,o_rtn_val,1,&o_rtn_val);
+     size = hdfeos5_cunsint64ary2obj(o_size,o_rtn_val,1,&o_rtn_val);
+     return rb_ary_new3(5,rtn_val, namelength, filelist, offset, size);
+Index: ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/hdfeos5_chkdatatype.c
+--- ruby-hdfeos5-1.2.orig/hdfeos5_chkdatatype.c
++++ ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/hdfeos5_chkdatatype.c
+@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ check_numbertype(char *numbertype)
+                 __FILE__,__LINE__);
+ }
+ change_numbertype(char *numbertype)
+ {
+   if(strcmp(numbertype,"byte")==0) return(H5T_NATIVE_CHAR);
diff -Nru ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/patches/series 
--- ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/patches/series      2015-09-04 07:56:38.000000000 
+++ ruby-hdfeos5-1.2/debian/patches/series      2016-12-03 18:27:12.000000000 
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@

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