This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository pysal.

      from  7de8a1a   Imported Upstream version 1.10+dfsg
       new  b4b8900   Imported Upstream version 1.11.0
       new  b37e648   Imported Upstream version 1.11.1
       new  776b952   Imported Upstream version 1.11.2

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .github/                            |     2 +
 .github/                          |    30 +
 .github/                   |    12 +
 .gitignore                                         |    24 +
 .travis.yml                                        |    29 +-                                 |     5 +
 CHANGELOG.txt                                      |  2530 +                                          |   106 -
 README.rst                                         |   139 +
 THANKS.txt                                         |     1 +
 doc/source/                                 |    57 +-
 doc/source/developers/guidelines.rst               |    38 +-
 doc/source/developers/projects.rst                 |     5 +-
 doc/source/developers/py3k.rst                     |   107 +-
 doc/source/developers/release.rst                  |    55 +-
 doc/source/index.rst                               |     4 +-
 doc/source/library/contrib/index.rst               |    20 +-
 doc/source/library/spreg/index.rst                 |     1 +
 doc/source/references.rst                          |     1 +
 doc/source/users/installation.rst                  |     2 +-
 figs/lisamaps.png                                  |   Bin 0 -> 501034 bytes
 figs/lisamaps7.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 501034 bytes
 pysal/COPYING                                      |     2 +-
 pysal/                                  |    24 +-
 pysal/cg/                                 |    74 +-
 pysal/cg/                                 |    14 +-
 pysal/cg/tests/                     |    28 +
 pysal/                                    |    13 +
 pysal/contrib/{README => README.rst}               |    38 +-
 pysal/contrib/clusterpy/                |     1 +
 pysal/contrib/clusterpy/clusterpy.ipynb            |  6735 +-
 pysal/contrib/clusterpy/           |    52 +-
 pysal/contrib/githooks/pre-commit                  |     6 +
 pysal/contrib/handler/Explaining the Handler.ipynb |   800 +
 pysal/contrib/handler/                  |     1 +
 pysal/contrib/handler/                   |   146 +
 pysal/contrib/handler/                  |    58 +
 .../handler}/tests/             |    11 +-
 .../handler}/tests/          |    11 +-
 .../handler}/tests/        |    11 +-
 pysal/contrib/handler/tests/       |   178 +
 .../handler}/tests/        |    36 +-
 .../contrib/handler/tests/  |   189 +
 .../handler/tests/}              |   200 +-
 .../handler/tests/}      |    12 +-
 .../handler/tests/}       |   204 +-
 .../handler/tests/}              |   157 +-
 .../handler/tests/}      |    37 +-
 .../handler/tests/}       |   159 +-
 .../handler}/tests/                |    43 +-
 .../handler}/tests/        |    66 +-
 .../handler}/tests/                  |     7 +-
 .../handler}/tests/          |    10 +-
 .../handler/tests/}                     |    30 +-
 .../handler}/tests/             |    10 +-
 .../handler}/tests/              |    22 +-
 pysal/contrib/handler/tests/         |    62 +
 .../handler}/tests/                  |   102 +-
 .../handler}/tests/          |    10 +-
 .../handler}/tests/               |   165 +-
 .../handler}/tests/       |    10 +-
 .../handler}/tests/        |   166 +-
 .../handler}/tests/           |   103 +-
 pysal/contrib/pdutilities/              |     4 +
 pysal/contrib/pdutilities/         |     4 -
 pysal/contrib/pdutilities/        |    65 +
 pysal/contrib/pdutilities/         |    21 +
 pysal/contrib/viz/folium_mapping.ipynb             |  2116 +-
 pysal/contrib/viz/                |    14 +-
 pysal/contrib/viz/                       |    63 +-
 pysal/contrib/viz/mapping_guide.ipynb              |   642 +-
 pysal/core/IOHandlers/                |     4 +-
 pysal/core/IOHandlers/                |     5 +-
 pysal/core/IOHandlers/                   |    35 +-
 pysal/core/IOHandlers/                   |     6 +-
 pysal/core/IOHandlers/tests/     |    10 +-
 pysal/core/IOHandlers/tests/        |    50 +-
 pysal/core/IOHandlers/                       |     2 +-
 pysal/core/                               |    49 +-
 pysal/core/util/                       |    32 +-
 pysal/core/util/tests/            |    27 +-
 pysal/core/util/                             |   230 +
 pysal/core/util/                             |     8 -
 pysal/esda/                                |    20 +-
 pysal/esda/                          |   538 +-
 pysal/esda/                                |   266 +-
 pysal/esda/                            |    16 +-
 pysal/esda/tests/               |    66 +-
 pysal/esda/tests/                     |    32 +-
 pysal/examples/10740/10740.dbf                     |   Bin 0 -> 8188 bytes
 pysal/examples/10740/10740.shp                     |   Bin 0 -> 521068 bytes
 pysal/examples/10740/10740.shx                     |   Bin 0 -> 1660 bytes
 pysal/examples/10740/               |   391 +
 pysal/examples/10740/                |   391 +
 pysal/examples/10740/                     |    13 +
 pysal/examples/Line/Line.dbf                       |   Bin 0 -> 621 bytes
 pysal/examples/Line/Line.prj                       |     1 +
 pysal/examples/Line/Line.shp                       |   Bin 0 -> 564 bytes
 pysal/examples/Line/Line.shx                       |   Bin 0 -> 132 bytes
 pysal/examples/Line/                      |     7 +
 pysal/examples/Point/Point.dbf                     |   Bin 0 -> 1236 bytes
 pysal/examples/Point/Point.prj                     |     1 +
 pysal/examples/Point/Point.shp                     |   Bin 0 -> 352 bytes
 pysal/examples/Point/Point.shx                     |   Bin 0 -> 172 bytes
 pysal/examples/Polygon/Polygon.dbf                 |   Bin 0 -> 498 bytes
 pysal/examples/Polygon/Polygon.prj                 |     1 +
 pysal/examples/Polygon/Polygon.shp                 |   Bin 0 -> 992 bytes
 pysal/examples/Polygon/Polygon.shx                 |   Bin 0 -> 124 bytes
 pysal/examples/Polygon/                   |     7 +
 pysal/examples/README.txt                          |     5 +
 pysal/examples/                         |    77 +
 pysal/examples/arcgis/                    |     7 +
 pysal/examples/arcgis/arcgis_ohio.dbf              |   Bin 0 -> 21876 bytes
 pysal/examples/arcgis/arcgis_txt.txt               |     9 +
 pysal/examples/baltim/                    |    16 +
 pysal/examples/baltim/baltim.dbf                   |   Bin 0 -> 31595 bytes
 pysal/examples/baltim/baltim.shp                   |   Bin 0 -> 6008 bytes
 .../crimes.shx => examples/baltim/baltim.shx}      |   Bin 2396 -> 1788 bytes
 pysal/examples/baltim/baltim.tri.k12.kwt           |  2744 +
 pysal/examples/baltim/baltim_k4.gwt                |   845 +
 pysal/examples/baltim/                 |   423 +
 pysal/examples/baltim/baltimore.geojson            |   218 +
 pysal/examples/book/                      |    10 +
 pysal/examples/book/                       |    33 +
 pysal/examples/book/book.txt                       |    18 +
 pysal/examples/burkitt/                   |    11 +
 pysal/examples/burkitt/burkitt.dbf                 |   Bin 0 -> 7558 bytes
 pysal/examples/burkitt/burkitt.shp                 |   Bin 0 -> 5364 bytes
 .../crimes.shx => examples/burkitt/burkitt.shx}    |   Bin 2396 -> 1604 bytes
 pysal/examples/calemp/                    |    15 +
 pysal/examples/calemp/calempdensity.csv            |    59 +
 pysal/examples/chicago/Chicago77.dbf               |   Bin 0 -> 16787 bytes
 pysal/examples/chicago/Chicago77.shp               |   Bin 0 -> 687568 bytes
 pysal/examples/chicago/Chicago77.shx               |   Bin 0 -> 716 bytes
 pysal/examples/chicago/                   |    11 +
 pysal/examples/columbus/columbus.dbf               |   Bin 0 -> 10082 bytes
 pysal/examples/columbus/               |    99 +
 pysal/examples/columbus/columbus.html              |   132 +
 pysal/examples/columbus/columbus.json              |   104 +
 pysal/examples/columbus/columbus.shp               |   Bin 0 -> 21980 bytes
 pysal/examples/columbus/columbus.shx               |   Bin 0 -> 492 bytes
 pysal/examples/desmith/                   |    13 +
 pysal/examples/desmith/                 |    21 +
 pysal/examples/desmith/desmith.txt                 |    12 +
 .../examples.rst => pysal/examples/examples.txt    |     1 -
 pysal/examples/geodanet/                  |    26 +
 .../network => examples/geodanet}/crimes.dbf       |   Bin
 pysal/examples/geodanet/crimes.prj                 |     1 +
 pysal/examples/geodanet/crimes.sbn                 |   Bin 0 -> 3228 bytes
 pysal/examples/geodanet/crimes.sbx                 |   Bin 0 -> 428 bytes
 .../network => examples/geodanet}/crimes.shp       |   Bin
 pysal/examples/geodanet/crimes.shp.xml             |     3 +
 .../network => examples/geodanet}/crimes.shx       |   Bin
 pysal/examples/geodanet/schools.dbf                |   Bin 0 -> 146 bytes
 pysal/examples/geodanet/schools.prj                |     1 +
 pysal/examples/geodanet/schools.sbn                |   Bin 0 -> 212 bytes
 pysal/examples/geodanet/schools.sbx                |   Bin 0 -> 124 bytes
 pysal/examples/geodanet/schools.shp                |   Bin 0 -> 324 bytes
 pysal/examples/geodanet/schools.shp.xml            |   546 +
 pysal/examples/geodanet/schools.shx                |   Bin 0 -> 164 bytes
 .../network => examples/geodanet}/streets.dbf      |   Bin
 pysal/examples/geodanet/streets.prj                |     1 +
 pysal/examples/geodanet/streets.sbn                |   Bin 0 -> 3388 bytes
 pysal/examples/geodanet/streets.sbx                |   Bin 0 -> 540 bytes
 .../network => examples/geodanet}/streets.shp      |   Bin
 .../network => examples/geodanet}/streets.shx      |   Bin
 pysal/examples/juvenile/                  |    14 +
 pysal/examples/juvenile/juvenile.dbf               |   Bin 0 -> 4834 bytes
 pysal/examples/juvenile/juvenile.gwt               |  2803 +
 pysal/examples/juvenile/juvenile.shp               |   Bin 0 -> 4804 bytes
 .../crimes.shx => examples/juvenile/juvenile.shx}  |   Bin 2396 -> 1444 bytes
 pysal/examples/mexico/                    |    15 +
 pysal/examples/mexico/mexico.csv                   |    33 +
 pysal/examples/mexico/                   |    65 +
 pysal/examples/nat/NAT.dbf                         |   Bin 0 -> 2501092 bytes
 pysal/examples/nat/NAT.shp                         |   Bin 0 -> 1462216 bytes
 pysal/examples/nat/NAT.shx                         |   Bin 0 -> 24780 bytes
 pysal/examples/nat/nat.geojson                     |  3092 +
 pysal/examples/nat/                   |  6171 ++
 pysal/examples/nat/               |  6171 ++
 pysal/examples/nat/nat_trian_k20.kwt               | 64786 +++++++++++++++++++
 pysal/examples/nat/natregimes.dbf                  |   Bin 0 -> 2627705 bytes
 pysal/examples/nat/natregimes.shp                  |   Bin 0 -> 1462216 bytes
 pysal/examples/nat/natregimes.shx                  |   Bin 0 -> 24780 bytes
 pysal/examples/networks/eberly_net.dbf             |   Bin 0 -> 1348 bytes
 .../networks/eberly_net.shp}                       |   Bin
 .../networks/eberly_net.shx}                       |   Bin
 .../networks/eberly_net_pts_offnetwork.dbf         |   Bin 0 -> 2197 bytes
 .../networks/eberly_net_pts_offnetwork.shp         |   Bin 0 -> 2900 bytes
 .../networks/eberly_net_pts_offnetwork.shx         |   Bin 0 -> 900 bytes
 .../examples/networks/eberly_net_pts_onnetwork.dbf |   Bin 0 -> 1275 bytes
 .../examples/networks/eberly_net_pts_onnetwork.shp |   Bin 0 -> 3180 bytes
 .../examples/networks/eberly_net_pts_onnetwork.shx |   Bin 0 -> 980 bytes
 pysal/examples/networks/nonplanarsegments.dbf      |   Bin 0 -> 87 bytes
 pysal/examples/networks/nonplanarsegments.prj      |     1 +
 pysal/examples/networks/nonplanarsegments.qpj      |     1 +
 pysal/examples/networks/nonplanarsegments.shp      |   Bin 0 -> 308 bytes
 pysal/examples/networks/nonplanarsegments.shx      |   Bin 0 -> 116 bytes
 pysal/examples/newHaven/new_haven_merged.dbf       |   Bin 0 -> 1320686 bytes
 pysal/examples/newHaven/new_haven_merged.shp       |   Bin 0 -> 92304 bytes
 pysal/examples/newHaven/new_haven_merged.shx       |   Bin 0 -> 26444 bytes
 pysal/examples/newHaven/newhaven_nework.dbf        |   Bin 0 -> 206183 bytes
 pysal/examples/newHaven/newhaven_nework.prj        |     1 +
 pysal/examples/newHaven/newhaven_nework.qpj        |     1 +
 pysal/examples/newHaven/newhaven_nework.shp        |   Bin 0 -> 358220 bytes
 pysal/examples/newHaven/newhaven_nework.shx        |   Bin 0 -> 12396 bytes
 pysal/examples/sacramento2/sacramentot2.dbf        |   Bin 0 -> 98149 bytes
 pysal/examples/sacramento2/        |   807 +
 pysal/examples/sacramento2/sacramentot2.sbn        |   Bin 0 -> 11172 bytes
 pysal/examples/sacramento2/sacramentot2.sbx        |   Bin 0 -> 588 bytes
 pysal/examples/sacramento2/sacramentot2.shp        |   Bin 0 -> 1587812 bytes
 pysal/examples/sacramento2/sacramentot2.shx        |   Bin 0 -> 3324 bytes
 pysal/examples/sids2/                     |    14 +
 pysal/examples/sids2/sids2.dbf                     |   Bin 0 -> 23810 bytes
 pysal/examples/sids2/                     |   201 +
 pysal/examples/sids2/sids2.html                    |   124 +
 pysal/examples/sids2/sids2.shp                     |   Bin 0 -> 46196 bytes
 pysal/examples/sids2/sids2.shx                     |   Bin 0 -> 900 bytes
 pysal/examples/sids2/sids2.swm                     |   Bin 0 -> 7168 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoPeople.dbf            |   Bin 0 -> 3662 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoPeople.prj            |     1 +
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoPeople.sbn            |   Bin 0 -> 3460 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoPeople.sbx            |   Bin 0 -> 380 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoPeople.shp            |   Bin 0 -> 9172 bytes
 .../snow_maps/SohoPeople.shx}                      |   Bin 2396 -> 2692 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoWater.dbf             |   Bin 0 -> 157 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoWater.prj             |     1 +
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoWater.sbn             |   Bin 0 -> 252 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoWater.sbx             |   Bin 0 -> 124 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoWater.shp             |   Bin 0 -> 464 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/SohoWater.shx             |   Bin 0 -> 204 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/Soho_Network.dbf          |   Bin 0 -> 892 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/Soho_Network.prj          |     1 +
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/Soho_Network.sbn          |   Bin 0 -> 1292 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/Soho_Network.sbx          |   Bin 0 -> 228 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/Soho_Network.shp          |   Bin 0 -> 11620 bytes
 pysal/examples/snow_maps/Soho_Network.shx          |   Bin 0 -> 1044 bytes
 pysal/examples/south/south.dbf                     |   Bin 0 -> 1145962 bytes
 pysal/examples/south/south.shp                     |   Bin 0 -> 737448 bytes
 pysal/examples/south/south.shx                     |   Bin 0 -> 11396 bytes
 pysal/examples/south/                   |  2825 +
 pysal/examples/south/               |  2825 +
 pysal/examples/stl/                         |   157 +
 pysal/examples/stl/stl_hom.csv                     |    79 +
 pysal/examples/stl/stl_hom.dbf                     |   Bin 0 -> 23280 bytes
 pysal/examples/stl/stl_hom.html                    |   143 +
 pysal/examples/stl/stl_hom.shp                     |   Bin 0 -> 28276 bytes
 pysal/examples/stl/stl_hom.shx                     |   Bin 0 -> 724 bytes
 pysal/examples/stl/stl_hom.txt                     |    80 +
 pysal/examples/stl/stl_hom.wkt                     |    78 +
 pysal/examples/stl/                |   157 +
 pysal/examples/street_net_pts/street_net_pts.dbf   |   Bin 0 -> 3398 bytes
 pysal/examples/street_net_pts/street_net_pts.prj   |     1 +
 pysal/examples/street_net_pts/street_net_pts.qpj   |     1 +
 pysal/examples/street_net_pts/street_net_pts.shp   |   Bin 0 -> 8584 bytes
 .../street_net_pts/street_net_pts.shx}             |   Bin 2396 -> 2524 bytes
 pysal/examples/taz/taz.dbf                         |   Bin 0 -> 485344 bytes
 pysal/examples/taz/taz.shp                         |   Bin 0 -> 5774828 bytes
 pysal/examples/taz/taz.shx                         |   Bin 0 -> 32972 bytes
 pysal/examples/                    |    21 +
 pysal/examples/us_income/                 |    10 +
 pysal/examples/us_income/spi_download.csv          |    66 +
 pysal/examples/us_income/              |    97 +
 pysal/examples/us_income/us48.dbf                  |   Bin 0 -> 4274 bytes
 pysal/examples/us_income/us48.shp                  |   Bin 0 -> 186476 bytes
 pysal/examples/us_income/us48.shx                  |   Bin 0 -> 484 bytes
 pysal/examples/us_income/usjoin.csv                |    49 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/                  |    10 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia.dbf               |   Bin 0 -> 11410 bytes
 pysal/examples/virginia/               |   273 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia.json              |   143 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia.prj               |     1 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia.shp               |   Bin 0 -> 71416 bytes
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia.shx               |   Bin 0 -> 1188 bytes
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia_queen.dat         |   586 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia_queen.dbf         |   Bin 0 -> 11850 bytes
 pysal/examples/virginia/         |   273 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia_queen.mat         |   Bin 0 -> 148160 bytes
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia_queen.mtx         |   589 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia_queen.swm         |   Bin 0 -> 9232 bytes
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia_queen.txt         |   137 +
 pysal/examples/virginia/virginia_queen.wk1         |   Bin 0 -> 314585 bytes
 pysal/examples/virginia/          |   273 +
 pysal/examples/wmat/geobugs_scot                   |    66 +
 pysal/examples/wmat/lattice10x10.shp               |   Bin 0 -> 13700 bytes
 pysal/examples/wmat/lattice10x10.shx               |   Bin 0 -> 900 bytes
 pysal/examples/wmat/ohio.swm                       |   Bin 0 -> 6978 bytes
 pysal/examples/wmat/rook31.dbf                     |   Bin 0 -> 161 bytes
 pysal/examples/wmat/                     |     7 +
 pysal/examples/wmat/rook31.shp                     |   Bin 0 -> 556 bytes
 pysal/examples/wmat/rook31.shx                     |   Bin 0 -> 124 bytes
 pysal/examples/wmat/spat-sym-us.mat                |   Bin 0 -> 416 bytes
 pysal/examples/wmat/spat-sym-us.wk1                |   Bin 0 -> 2221 bytes
 pysal/examples/wmat/spdep_listw2WB_columbus        |    59 +
 pysal/examples/wmat/stata_full.txt                 |    57 +
 pysal/examples/wmat/stata_sparse.txt               |    57 +
 pysal/examples/wmat/wmat.dat                       |   232 +
 pysal/examples/wmat/wmat.mtx                       |   237 +
 pysal/meta/                                  |    80 +-
 pysal/network/tests/                |     5 +-
 pysal/region/                               |    26 +-
 pysal/region/tests/                    |    16 +-
 pysal/spatial_dynamics/              |     4 +-
 pysal/spatial_dynamics/                   |    12 +-
 pysal/spatial_dynamics/tests/        |    11 +-
 pysal/spreg/                            |     3 +
 pysal/spreg/                         |     4 +-
 pysal/spreg/                     |   221 +
 pysal/spreg/                            |    83 +-
 pysal/spreg/                    |     5 +-
 pysal/spreg/                              |    72 +-
 pysal/spreg/                      |     3 +
 pysal/spreg/                                 |     7 +-
 pysal/spreg/                                 |    92 +
 pysal/spreg/optional_imports.ipynb                 |   278 +
 pysal/spreg/                              |   322 +-
 pysal/spreg/                             |     6 +-
 pysal/spreg/                      |   284 +-
 pysal/spreg/                                 |   697 +
 pysal/spreg/                           |   549 +
 pysal/spreg/                             |   366 +
 pysal/spreg/                           |   363 +
 pysal/spreg/tests/              |    52 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/           |    44 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/         |    10 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/                 |   192 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/             |   207 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/     |   161 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/      |   207 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/             |   229 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/     |   165 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/         |   169 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/          |   196 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/                 |    40 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/         |    61 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/                   |    35 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/           |    53 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/                      |   119 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/              |   108 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/               |   105 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/                   |    69 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/                      |   172 +
 pysal/spreg/tests/                |   123 +
 pysal/spreg/tests/                  |   176 +
 pysal/spreg/tests/                   |   117 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/           |    86 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/                |   141 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/        |   144 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/         |   144 +-
 pysal/spreg/tests/            |   121 +-
 pysal/spreg/                              |    17 +-
 pysal/spreg/                         |     6 +-
 pysal/spreg/                               |   132 +-
 pysal/                                   |     4 +-
 pysal/weights/                        |     8 +-
 pysal/weights/                          |    74 +-
 pysal/weights/                    |    10 +-
 pysal/weights/                       |   117 +-
 pysal/weights/tests/               |    69 +-
 pysal/weights/tests/                  |    28 +-
 pysal/weights/tests/            |    28 +-
 pysal/weights/tests/                   |    42 +-
 pysal/weights/tests/                   |     7 +
 pysal/weights/tests/                |    69 +-
 pysal/weights/                              |    17 +-
 pysal/weights/                              |   101 +-
 pysal/weights/                           |    12 +-                                           |    61 +-
 tools/                                      |    84 +
 tools/spregsync                                    |    47 +
 370 files changed, 116631 insertions(+), 8918 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .github/
 create mode 100644 .github/
 create mode 100644 .github/
 create mode 100644
 delete mode 100644
 create mode 100644 README.rst
 create mode 100644 figs/lisamaps.png
 create mode 100644 figs/lisamaps7.png
 rename pysal/contrib/{README => README.rst} (62%)
 create mode 100755 pysal/contrib/githooks/pre-commit
 create mode 100644 pysal/contrib/handler/Explaining the Handler.ipynb
 create mode 100644 pysal/contrib/handler/
 create mode 100644 pysal/contrib/handler/
 create mode 100644 pysal/contrib/handler/
 copy pysal/{spreg => contrib/handler}/tests/ (94%)
 copy pysal/{spreg => contrib/handler}/tests/ (95%)
 copy pysal/{spreg => contrib/handler}/tests/ (86%)
 create mode 100644 pysal/contrib/handler/tests/
 copy pysal/{spreg => contrib/handler}/tests/ (89%)
 create mode 100644 pysal/contrib/handler/tests/
 copy pysal/{spreg/tests/ => 
contrib/handler/tests/} (52%)
 copy pysal/{spreg/tests/ => 
contrib/handler/tests/} (96%)
 copy pysal/{spreg/tests/ => 
contrib/handler/tests/} (52%)
 copy pysal/{spreg/tests/ => 
contrib/handler/tests/} (51%)
 copy pysal/{spreg/tests/ => 
contrib/handler/tests/} (87%)
 copy pysal/{spreg/tests/ => 
contrib/handler/tests/} (51%)
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 create mode 100644 pysal/spreg/
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on 

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