This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a change to branch experimental
in repository hdf4.

      from  e02dd92   Add patch to fix manpage-has-errors-from-man lintian 
       new  ae493a4   Refresh patches.
       new  988bd28   Reorder build dependencies.
       new  f0dc42f   Update watch file to handle common issues.
       new  f97baac   Use minimal dh rules with autoreconf.
       new  851d488   Fix in-place sed for man page changes.
       new  b043e17   Override dh_install to use --list-missing.
       new  0aa34c8   Install examples in -doc package.
       new  5ea3196   Install settings files in -dev packages.

The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 debian/autoreconf                       |   2 +
 debian/                    |   2 +
 debian/changelog                        |   4 +
 debian/control                          |  16 +-
 debian/                       |  16 +-
 debian/libhdf4-alt-dev.install          |  11 +-
 debian/libhdf4-dev.install              |   3 +-
 debian/libhdf4-doc.install              |   1 +
 debian/           |   1 +
 debian/patches/64bit                    |   4 +-
 debian/patches/autotools                |  52 -------
 debian/patches/config                   |  12 +-
 debian/patches/fmpool                   |  18 +--
 debian/patches/hdf-4.2.10-aarch64.patch |  12 +-
 debian/patches/man                      |   6 +-
 debian/patches/shared_fortran           |   4 -
 debian/rules                            | 266 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 debian/watch                            |   6 +-
 18 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 255 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 debian/autoreconf
 create mode 100644 debian/
 create mode 100644 debian/libhdf4-doc.install
 create mode 100644 debian/

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on 

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