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sebastic pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository hdf4.

commit 8b08ea7043b5e440eefa65a381cd0866f23ad82c
Author: Bas Couwenberg <>
Date:   Sat May 7 19:26:12 2016 +0200

    Add patch to fix spelling errors.
 debian/changelog                     |   1 +
 debian/patches/series                |   1 +
 debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch | 480 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 482 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 5c4f92b..b27302a 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ libhdf4 (4.2.11-1~exp) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   [ Bas Couwenberg ]
   * Update Vcs-* URLs to use HTTPS.
   * Enable all hardening buildflags, except PIE (causes build failure).
+  * Add patch to fix spelling errors.
  -- Johan Van de Wauw <>  Sat, 14 Feb 2015 13:43:51 
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 8e98731..1f66d16 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ missing-includes.diff
diff --git a/debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0742d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+Description: Fix spelling errors.
+ charachters   -> characters
+ occured       -> occurred
+ posible       -> possible
+ ouput         -> output
+ lenght        -> length
+ treshold      -> threshold
+ inadvertantly -> inadvertently
+ syncronize    -> synchronize
+ existant      -> existent
+Author: Bas Couwenberg <>
+--- a/hdf/util/gif2hdf.c
++++ b/hdf/util/gif2hdf.c
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ char *argc[];
+       if (!(fpGif = fopen(GIFFileName,"rb"))) {
+               printf("Unable to open GIF file for reading.\n");
+-              printf("Filename (including path) must be less than %d 
charachters in length\n",VSNAMELENMAX);
++              printf("Filename (including path) must be less than %d 
characters in length\n",VSNAMELENMAX);
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+--- a/hdf/util/gifread.c
++++ b/hdf/util/gifread.c
+@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ BYTE *MemGif;
+ **  Global Color Table (if any) from a GIF image file.  The information
+ **  is stored in a GIFHEAD structure.
+ **
+-**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
+-**           otherwise 0 if no error occured.
++**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occurred during the read,
++**           otherwise 0 if no error occurred.
+ */
+ int
+ ReadGifHeader(GifHead, MemGif2)
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ BYTE    **MemGif2;       /* GIF image fi
+         return(-1); 
+       */
+-    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occured */
++    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occurred */
+ }
+@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ BYTE    **MemGif2;       /* GIF image fi
+ **  Note that the ImageSeparator field value in the GIFIMAGEDESC
+ **  structure is assigned by the function calling ReadGifImageDesc().
+ **
+-**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
+-**           otherwise 0 if no error occured.
++**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occurred during the read,
++**           otherwise 0 if no error occurred.
+ */
+ int
+ ReadGifImageDesc(GifImageDesc, MemGif2)
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ BYTE         **MemGif2;     /* GIF image
+       while (ch1);
+-    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occured */
++    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occurred */
+ }
+@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ BYTE         **MemGif2;     /* GIF image
+ **  Note that the Introducer and Label field values in the GIFGRAPHICCONTROL
+ **  structure are assigned by the function calling ReadGifGraphicControl().
+ **
+-**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
+-**           otherwise 0 if no error occured.
++**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occurred during the read,
++**           otherwise 0 if no error occurred.
+ */
+ int
+ ReadGifGraphicControl(GifGraphicControl, MemGif2)
+@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ BYTE              **MemGif2;          /*
+               GifGraphicControl->GCEDump[i] = *(*MemGif2)++;
+       }
+-    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occured */
++    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occurred */
+ }
+@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ BYTE              **MemGif2;          /*
+ **  Note that the Introducer and Label field values in the GIFLPLAINTEXT
+ **  structure are assigned by the function calling ReadGifPlainText().
+ **
+-**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
+-**           otherwise 0 if no error occured.
++**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occurred during the read,
++**           otherwise 0 if no error occurred.
+ */
+ int
+ ReadGifPlainText(GifPlainText, MemGif2)
+@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ BYTE         **MemGif2;       /* GIF ima
+         return(-1);
+       */
+-    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occured */
++    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occurred */
+ }
+@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ BYTE         **MemGif2;       /* GIF ima
+ **  Note that the Introducer and Label field values in the GIFAPPLICATION
+ **  structure are assigned by the function calling ReadGifApplication().
+ **
+-**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
+-**           otherwise 0 if no error occured.
++**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occurred during the read,
++**           otherwise 0 if no error occurred.
+ */
+ int
+ ReadGifApplication(GifApplication, MemGif2)
+@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ BYTE           **MemGif2;          /* GI
+         return(-1);
+       */
+-    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occured */
++    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occurred */
+ }
+@@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ BYTE           **MemGif2;          /* GI
+ **  Note that the Introducer and Label field values in the GIFCOMMENT
+ **  structure are assigned by the function calling ReadGifComment().
+ **
+-**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occured during the read,
+-**           otherwise 0 if no error occured.
++**  Returns: -1 if a FILE stream error occurred during the read,
++**           otherwise 0 if no error occurred.
+ */
+ int
+ ReadGifComment(GifComment, MemGif2)
+@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ BYTE       **MemGif2;      /* GIF image
+     GifComment->Terminator = 0;
+-    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occured */
++    return(0);          /* No FILE stream error occurred */
+ }
+@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ BYTE       **MemGif2;      /* GIF image
+ **  A GIF "sub-block" is a single count byte followed by 1 to 255
+ **  additional data bytes.
+ **
+-**  Returns: A NULL pointer if a memory allocation error occured,
+-**           otherwise a valid pointer if no error occured.
++**  Returns: A NULL pointer if a memory allocation error occurred,
++**           otherwise a valid pointer if no error occurred.
+ */
+ BYTE *
+ ReadDataSubBlocks(MemGif2 , DSize)
+--- a/hdf/util/writehdf.c
++++ b/hdf/util/writehdf.c
+@@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ char     *GIFFileName;
+               /* GRSetCompress */
+               if ((status = GRsetcompress(ri_id, comp_type, &c_info)) == -1) {
+-                      printf("Error occured while setting compression\n");
++                      printf("Error occurred while setting compression\n");
+                       printf("%s\n", HEstring(HEvalue(1)));
+                       exit(-1);
+               }
+               /* Write the GR Image */
+               if ((status = GRwriteimage(ri_id, start, NULL, edges, 
(VOIDP)gifImageDesc.Image)) == -1) {
+-                      printf("Error occured while trying to write GR 
++                      printf("Error occurred while trying to write GR 
+                       printf("%s\n", HEstring(HEvalue(1)));
+                       exit(-1);
+               }
+--- a/release_notes/HISTORY.txt
++++ b/release_notes/HISTORY.txt
+@@ -5239,7 +5239,7 @@ follow the instructions listed in:
+      the "make" in some old systems does not support the 
+      creation commands.)
+    . A bug was found in the "mfhdf.h" file late in the testing
+-     stage. The error occured in the CM5 parallel I/O 
++     stage. The error occurred in the CM5 parallel I/O 
+      extension only. The fix is not included in the source
+      release, but it is avalable in the binary release for 
+      the CM5 version.  Please retrieve the fix there. 
+--- a/hdf/util/he_disp.c
++++ b/hdf/util/he_disp.c
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ HEdisplay(HE_CMD * cmd)
+                       printf("display [-position <xpos> <ypos>] [-expansion 
<exp>] [-large]\n");
+                       printf("\t-position\tImage position on console 
+                       printf("\t-expansion\tImage expansion factor\n");
+-                      printf("\t-large\t\tMake image as large as posible\n");
++                      printf("\t-large\t\tMake image as large as possible\n");
+                       return HE_OK;
+                   case HE_POSITION:
+                       center = 0;
+--- a/hdf/test/chunks.c
++++ b/hdf/test/chunks.c
+@@ -1386,7 +1386,7 @@ test_chunks(void)
+     /* The following tests will work if Number type conversion
+-       is done on the ouput data, punt for now since 'hdftest'
++       is done on the output data, punt for now since 'hdftest'
+        tests these same tests with number type conversion  */
+     /* 
+--- a/mfhdf/dumper/hdp_vd.c
++++ b/mfhdf/dumper/hdp_vd.c
+@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ dvd(dump_info_t * dumpvd_opts,
+              break;
+           default:
+-             printf("dumping vdata, unknown ouput file option \n");
++             printf("dumping vdata, unknown output file option \n");
+              ret_value = FAIL;
+       }    /* switch for output file   */
+--- a/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_an.c
++++ b/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_an.c
+@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ int copy_an_data(int32 infile_id,
+             continue;
+         }
+         if((ann_length = ANannlen(ann_id))==FAIL) {
+-            printf( "Failed to get AN %d lenght of <%s>\n", i, path);
++            printf( "Failed to get AN %d length of <%s>\n", i, path);
+             continue;
+         }
+--- a/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_list.c
++++ b/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_list.c
+@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ int list_vg(int32 infile_id,
+           /* Get vgroup's name */
+             if (Vgetnamelen(vg_id, &name_len)==FAIL)
+             {
+-                printf("Error: Could not get name lenght for group with ref 
<%ld>\n", ref);
++                printf("Error: Could not get name length for group with ref 
<%ld>\n", ref);
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             vg_name = (char *) HDmalloc(sizeof(char) * (name_len+1));
+@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ int list_vg(int32 infile_id,
+           /* Get vgroup's class name */
+             if (Vgetclassnamelen(vg_id, &name_len)==FAIL)
+             {
+-                printf("Error: Could not get name lenght for group with ref 
<%ld>\n", ref);
++                printf("Error: Could not get name length for group with ref 
<%ld>\n", ref);
+                 goto out;
+             }
+@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ int vgroup_insert(int32 infile_id,
+           /* Get vgroup's name */
+             if (Vgetnamelen(vg_id, &name_len)==FAIL)
+             {
+-                printf("Error: Could not get name lenght for group with ref 
<%ld>\n", ref);
++                printf("Error: Could not get name length for group with ref 
<%ld>\n", ref);
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             vg_name = (char *) HDmalloc(sizeof(char) * (name_len+1));
+@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ int vgroup_insert(int32 infile_id,
+           /* Get vgroup's class name */
+             if (Vgetclassnamelen(vg_id, &name_len)==FAIL)
+             {
+-                printf("Error: Could not get name lenght for group with ref 
<%ld>\n", ref);
++                printf("Error: Could not get name length for group with ref 
<%ld>\n", ref);
+                 goto out;
+             }
+--- a/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepacktst.c
++++ b/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepacktst.c
+@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
+  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  */ 
+-static int            g_lenght_x;
+-static int            g_lenght_y;
++static int            g_length_x;
++static int            g_length_y;
+ static int            g_ncomps;
+ static unsigned char *g_image_data = NULL;   
+@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ int read_data(const char* fname)
+     /* globals */
+     g_ncomps=color_planes;
+-    g_lenght_y=h;
+-    g_lenght_x=w;
++    g_length_y=h;
++    g_length_x=w;
+     if ( g_image_data != NULL )
+     {
+@@ -991,8 +991,8 @@ int add_gr_ffile(const char* name_file,
+     {
+         /* set the data type, interlace mode, and dimensions of the image */
+         data_type = DFNT_UINT8;
+-        dim_gr[0] = g_lenght_x;
+-        dim_gr[1] = g_lenght_y;
++        dim_gr[0] = g_length_x;
++        dim_gr[1] = g_length_y;
+         /* create the raster image array */
+         if ((ri_id = GRcreate (gr_id, gr_name, g_ncomps, data_type, 
interlace_mode, dim_gr))== FAIL)
+@@ -1003,8 +1003,8 @@ int add_gr_ffile(const char* name_file,
+         /* define the size of the data to be written */
+         start[0] = start[1] = 0;
+-        edges[0] = g_lenght_x;
+-        edges[1] = g_lenght_y;
++        edges[0] = g_length_x;
++        edges[1] = g_length_y;
+         /* write the data in the buffer into the image array */
+@@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ int add_r8(const char* image_file,
+         }
+         /* write the image */
+-        if (DFR8addimage(fname, g_image_data, g_lenght_x, g_lenght_y, 
++        if (DFR8addimage(fname, g_image_data, g_length_x, g_length_y, 
+             printf( "Could not write palette for image\n");
+             return FAIL;
+         }
+@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ int add_r24(const char* image_file,
+         }
+         /* write the image */
+-        if (DF24addimage(fname, g_image_data, g_lenght_x, g_lenght_y)==FAIL){
++        if (DF24addimage(fname, g_image_data, g_length_x, g_length_y)==FAIL){
+             printf( "Could not write image\n");
+             return FAIL;
+         }
+--- a/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_dim.c
++++ b/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_dim.c
+@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ static int gen_dim(char* name,
+-        * check for maximum number of chunks treshold
++        * check for maximum number of chunks threshold
+         */
+         if ( options->trip>0 ) 
+--- a/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_main.c
++++ b/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_main.c
+@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+             options.threshold = parse_number(argv[i+1]);
+             if (options.threshold==-1) {
+-                printf("Error: Invalid treshold size <%s>\n",argv[i+1]);
++                printf("Error: Invalid threshold size <%s>\n",argv[i+1]);
+                 goto out;
+             }
+             ++i;
+--- a/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_sds.c
++++ b/mfhdf/hrepack/hrepack_sds.c
+@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ int copy_sds(int32 sd_in,
+-        * check for maximum number of chunks treshold
++        * check for maximum number of chunks threshold
+         */
+         if ( options->trip>0 ) 
+--- a/mfhdf/ncdump/ncdump.1
++++ b/mfhdf/ncdump/ncdump.1
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ this name from the last component of the
+ by stripping off any extension it has.  Use the \fB-n\fP option to specify a
+ different name.  Although the output file name used by \fBncgen -b\fP can be
+ specified, it may be wise to have \fIncdump\fP change the default name to
+-avoid inadvertantly overwriting a valuable netCDF file when using
++avoid inadvertently overwriting a valuable netCDF file when using
+ \fBncdump\fP, editing the resulting CDL file, and using \fBncgen -b\fP to
+ generate a new netCDF file from the edited CDL file.
+ .IP "\fB-d\fP \fIfloat_digits[,double_digits]\fP"
+--- a/hdf/src/herr.h
++++ b/hdf/src/herr.h
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ typedef enum
+       DFE_PUTELEM,              /* Hputelement failed in some way */
+       DFE_GETELEM,              /* Hgetelement failed in some way */
+       DFE_CANTLINK,             /* Can't initialize link information */
+-      DFE_CANTSYNC,             /* Cannot syncronize memory with file */
++      DFE_CANTSYNC,             /* Cannot synchronize memory with file */
+ /* Old group interface errors */
+       DFE_BADGROUP,             /* Error from DFdiread in opening a group */
+@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ PRIVATE const struct error_messages_t er
+     {DFE_PUTELEM,       "Hputelement failed in some way"},
+     {DFE_GETELEM,       "Hgetelement failed in some way"},
+     {DFE_CANTLINK,      "Can't initialize link information"},
+-    {DFE_CANTSYNC,      "Cannot syncronize memory with file"},
++    {DFE_CANTSYNC,      "Cannot synchronize memory with file"},
+ /* Old group interface errors */
+     {DFE_BADGROUP,      "Error from DFdiread in opening a group"},
+--- a/hdf/src/hfiledd.c
++++ b/hdf/src/hfiledd.c
+@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ EXPORTED ROUTINES
+   DD list functions:
+     HTPstart    - Initialize the DD list from disk (creates the DD list in 
+     HTPinit     - Create a new DD list (creates the DD list in memory)
+-    HTPsync     - Flush the DD list to disk (syncronizes with disk)
+-    HTPend      - Close the DD list to disk (syncronizes with disk too)
++    HTPsync     - Flush the DD list to disk (synchronizes with disk)
++    HTPend      - Close the DD list to disk (synchronizes with disk too)
+     HTIfind_dd      - find a specific DD in the file
+     HTInew_dd_block - create a new (empty) DD block
+--- a/hdf/src/mcache.c
++++ b/hdf/src/mcache.c
+@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ mcache_get(
+     /* Check for attempting to retrieve a non-existent page. 
+      *  remember pages go from 1 ->npages  */
+     if (pgno > mp->npages) 
+-        HE_REPORT_GOTO("attempting to get a non existant page from cache", 
++        HE_REPORT_GOTO("attempting to get a non existent page from cache", 
+     ++mp->pageget;
+@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ mcache_page_sync(
+     /* Check for attempting to sync a non-existent page. 
+      *  remember pages go from 1 ->npages  */
+     if (pgno > mp->npages) 
+-        HE_REPORT_GOTO("attempting to get a non existant page from cache", 
++        HE_REPORT_GOTO("attempting to get a non existent page from cache", 
+     /* Check for a page that is cached. */
+     if ((bp = mcache_look(mp, pgno)) != NULL) 
+@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ mcache_look(
+     /* Check for attempt to look up a non-existent page. */
+     if (pgno > mp->npages) 
+-        HE_REPORT_GOTO("attempting to get a non existant page from cache", 
++        HE_REPORT_GOTO("attempting to get a non existent page from cache", 
+     /* search through hash chain */
+     head = &mp->hqh[HASHKEY(pgno)];
+--- a/hdf/test/file.c
++++ b/hdf/test/file.c
+@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ test_hfile(void)
+     ret = Hnextread(aid1, 100, DFREF_WILDCARD, DF_CURRENT);
+     if (ret != FAIL)
+       {
+-          fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Found a non-existant element at line %d\n",
++          fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Found a non-existent element at line %d\n",
+                   __LINE__);
+           errors++;
+       }
+@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ test_hfile(void)
+     ret = Hnextread(aid1, DFTAG_WILDCARD, 3, DF_CURRENT);
+     if (ret != FAIL)
+       {
+-          fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Found a non-existant element at line %d\n",
++          fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Found a non-existent element at line %d\n",
+                   __LINE__);
+           errors++;
+       }
+--- a/mfhdf/nctest/atttests.c
++++ b/mfhdf/nctest/atttests.c
+@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ test_ncattget(path)
+     }
+     /* try getting non-existent attribute, should fail */
+     if (ncattget(cdfid, uu_id, "nonesuch", vmax.val) != -1) {
+-      error("%s: ncattget should fail with nonexistant attribute", pname);
++      error("%s: ncattget should fail with nonexistent attribute", pname);
+       ncclose(cdfid); return;
+     }
+     if (ncclose (cdfid) == -1) {
+--- a/mfhdf/test/hdftest.c
++++ b/mfhdf/test/hdftest.c
+@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+     status = SDfindattr(newsds, "blarf");
+     if(status != FAIL) 
+       {
+-        fprintf(stderr, "SDfindattr found non-existant attribute\n");
++        fprintf(stderr, "SDfindattr found non-existent attribute\n");
+         num_errs++;
+       }

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on 

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