On 07-12-15 20:14, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I was wondering why hdf5 is not migrating to testing:
>    https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=hdf5
> I have no idea what the problem described with
>    "old binaries left on amd64: ..."
> means - I have never seen this before.

It means that the old version is still in testing and has the old
version too. This is the same issue that's preventing testing migration
of netcdf.

The FTP masters need to do some decrufting to remove the old binaries,
or the release team need to use some hints to force the migration.


If you want to speed this up you should contact the Release Team via the
hdf5 transition bug (#805825) and ask them to add some hints for hdf5.

Kind Regards,


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