The annotated tag, debian/1.5.3-2_bpo60+1 has been created at 0a898ed1d10752e4205667eb77630760a68af590 (tag) tagging 5c091b5adc2490db13f4eb1316fd7f7b6e1274d4 (commit) replaces upstream/1.5.3 tagged by Arto Jantunen on Mon Jan 28 12:07:35 2013 +0200
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------ Debian release 1.5.3-2~bpo60+1 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAlEGTegACgkQQ9/iJIjcFnpliACfbcc2P8L+KpIag+q5jnIcTG0c ngQAn0vLfEJ3cwVBTn6wWpZ/tMaK1Gqe =OPyS -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Alan Boudreault (2): New upstream release of postgis New upstream release of postgis: 1.5.2 Arto Jantunen (2): Update changelog for backport Include the changelog entry of the previous backport as well Fabio Tranchitella (22): Merged trunk with upstream (postgis-1.1.3). Added a new changelog entry for 1.1.3-1 release. Merged trunk with upstream (postgis-1.1.4). Changes for the debian release 1.1.4-1. Merge with new upstream release (1.1.5). Merge with new upstream release. Fixes. Changes for the new release. Merge with new upstream release. Preparing the new release. Removed upstream source code, we'll store only the debian/ dir in the repository. Set executable property on debian/rules. * New upstream release. * Add support for postgresql-8.3. (Closes: #466417, #471689) fix New upstream release. * New upstream release. patch the utils to fix some lintian warnings added missing dpatch updated utils.dpatch we don't care about utils fixed watch file Francesco P. Lovergine (2): Fixed typo in debian/control Reordered build-deps and fixed typo. Francesco Paolo Lovergine (46): Changing root tree to a more reasonable name. Fixing #425919 Uhm, changed doc file Minor fixes Removing postgres 8.2 support. Releasing 1.3.3-2 Fix for inter-versions support Fixating postinst script Added purging mechanism Postinst was postrm for postgis :-( Ready for release. Some minor changes. Supporting 1.4.0 on 8.3/8.4 Ops, typo... commit b91d8412246b3b9615037bade3979d4377632106 Minor changes to debian/rules Useful msg commit 1fc9ebae623798d3371fdf8ef5f0e02d30d4f270 Updated README.Debian Another template added and changed a bit doc. Now supporting pgsql 8.4 only, old scripts mantained for backports. Fixing #560409 Update for 1.5.0. Fixed rules for using *_VERSION macros. Fixed outdated information in README.Debian Added a patch to solve an alpha issue. 1.5.1-3 Solving mips/mipsel FTBS. Fixed calls Some more fixes. Merge branch 'upstream' Merge commit 'upstream/1.5.2' Main changes after squeeze. Fixed #575622 and #596663 Now supporting (again) multiple versions of PostgreSQL. Added missig additional -dev package for pgsql. Added a forced removing of stuff after building. Moved to 9.1 version for PostgreSQL. Fix for PGSQL 9.1 added. Fixed series for a fake patch. Dropped support for pgsql 8.4. Merge commit 'upstream/1.5.3' Updated to 1.5.3 version. Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// Annotated one more bug report closed. Fixating a couple of issues in current 1.5.3 Stephen Frost (5): - Initial import Copying upstream PostGIS 1.1.2 to trunk for initial import - Add in initial Debian modifications - Remove mistakenly-kept files (they're not in the upstream 1.2.1 tarball) - Update for PG 8.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PostGIS for PostgreSQL _______________________________________________ Pkg-grass-devel mailing list