
I'm just back from the Libre Software Meeting, where I fell in love
with Openstreetmap.  I'm trying to use JOSM, but I run into the same
bug as reported as #474626.  This is with an up-to-date sid system,
running either "JAVACMD=/usr/bin/jamvm josm" or "josm" directly.

$ JAVACMD=/usr/bin/jamvm josm
Using /usr/bin/jamvm to execute josm.
mappaint: Using jar's elemstyles.xml: 
Mappaint: Icon vehicle/turning_circle.png not found, using default icon
Mappaint: Icon transport/airport/terminal.png not found, using default icon
[snip lots of similar messages]
Mappaint: Icon misc/proposed.png not found, using default icon
Mappaint: Icon misc/proposed.png not found, using default icon

...then nothing happens.  CPU load goes up to 100%, but the window
stays blank.  top(1) says this:
|  1296 roland    20   0  239m  32m  10m S 97.7  3.2   1:54.33 jamvm

  Let me know if/how I can help debug.

Roland Mas

Despite rumour, Death isn't cruel - merely terribly, terribly good at his job.
  -- in Sourcery (Terry Pratchett)

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