Hi all!

The problem here is that josm searches for icons in a directory
belonging to the package openstreetmap-map-icons-classic, which doesn't
have all the icons josm expects to find. Moreover, not one of the icon
collections contained in packages openstreetmap-map-icons-*, nor the
collection distributed in josm upstream SVN, is a super-set of the
other collections. And josm's icon collection has unique elements,
which are not present in openstreetmap-map-icons-*.

I think that the best solution is to not drop josm's icons when
creating the tarball from the SVN, but letting them into the archive a
make josm use them. After all, they're fewer than 400 kB compressed!

I'll wait for acknowledgement before applying these modifications.

Regards, Giovanni.
Giovanni Mascellani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Pisa, Italy

Web: http://giomasce.altervista.org
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