Hello Henrique,

> Recently, I tried to build PicoLisp from source (master branch at github).
> I've followed the instructions at INSTALL, but GNU Make complains that it
> can't find "../bin/picolisp" (from "src" directory). Am I supposed to
> download an executable and insert it there in order to build PicoLisp? I
> hope that doesn't mean PicoLisp depends on itself.

PicoLisp does indeed depend on itself, but it comes with pre-built *.ll
files, so make should succeed out of the box.

Only if you modify *.l files, the *.ll files need to be rebuilt, and
this requires a running picolisp.

However, if you clone from a repo, the file timestamps may be destroyed,
and make possibly finds *.l files newer than the *.ll files.

The best is you fetch the TGZ with the rolling release


File meta data are preserved in tar files.

This is also described in


Good luck! :)

☺/ A!ex

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