Sorry to hear that. Steno board seems interesting, but I also wanna remind
of my similar project(which I posted here before, as it's just as
"nerdy"/niche as StenoBoard/Penti):
 Though seems steno might require a bit less precision for some keys,
CarrotKeys have live help that should be quite useful. As mentioned in my
original post, CarrotKeys can be made to have easy customization for
including custom sequences (i.e. some dial could say send ":wq<RET>") and
what not, but requires a small bit of work on my part, which I did not do
as there seemed to be no interest anywhere.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 4:50 PM Alexander Burger <>

> Hi all,
> StenoBoard is now my preferred input method, as I have problems with my
> fingers and cannot use Penti any more.
> I made some videos:
> They are in German so far, but I think it is mostly clear what goes on,
> and can be translated in the future to subtitles or voiceover.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --

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