Hi Kashyap,

> Does this look like a reasonable way to create the "create-adder" function?
> (de create-adder Args
>    (let
>       (N (car Args)
>          Adder (intern (pack "add-" N))
>          P
>          (list
>             'de
>             Adder
>             '(X)
>             (list '+ N 'X) ) )
>       (eval P) ) )
> : (create-adder 10)
> -> add-10
> : (add-10 20)
> -> 30

Yes, but you can do it a little simpler by directly calling 'def':

   (de create-adder (N)
      (def (intern (pack "add-" N))
         (list '(X) (list '+ N 'X)) ) )

Note also that I use (N), i.e. an evaluated argument, as this makes the function
more general.

Even simpler if you use 'curry':

   (de create-adder (@N)
      (def (intern (pack "add-" @N))
         (curry (@N) (X)
            (+ @N X) ) ) )

It is especially simpler if the function body, which is here just (+ N X), is
more complicated, because then the 'list'ing and 'cons'ing of the body would
become very unreadable.

> If I understand correctly, the "macro" capability of miniPicoLisp is not at
> par with PicoLisp right?

The 'macro' function of mini and normal PicoLisp is the same I think.

☺/ A!ex

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