Thanks Alex - half a dozen worked in my example :)

I completely get the idea of the inefficiency of CELLS=1 - the segfault
however seems like a silent bug (more likely some optimistic avoidance of a
NULL check somewhere perhaps). What do you think?

I say this because, even with CELLS=1, most of the stuff just works
(meaning no segfault - granted, highly inefficient)
If sample.l is the following - no problem
(de test (Pat . Prg)
   (bind (fish pat? Pat)
      (unless (match Pat (run Prg 1))
         (msg Prg)
         (quit 'fail Pat) ) ) )

(test '(B) (find pair (1 A 2 (B) 3 CDE)))
(test 4 (find > (1 2 3 4 5 6) (6 5 4 3 2 1)))
(test 4 (find '((A B) (> A B)) (1 2 3 4 5 6) (6 5 4 3 2 1)))
(let (A -1  B 2  C 3)
   (test 'B (find '((X) (gt0 (val X))) '(A B C)))
   (test 2 @@) )
# (test "h"
#    (pick '((X) (get X 'str))
#       (list (box) (prog1 (box) (put @ 'str "Hello")) (box)) ) )


On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 10:51 PM Alexander Burger <>

> Hi Kashyap,
> > I attempted to use 1 as the CELLS value in pico.h and immediately ran
> into
> > segfault
> Yes, this is not a good idea ;)
> CELLS is the number of cells per heap
>    typedef struct heap {
>       cell cells[CELLS];
>       struct heap *next;
>    } heap;
> and PicoLisp allocates as many heaps as needed.
> Setting it to 1 creates a huge overhead, because then you'll have one
> 'next'
> link for every cell.
> The cells in the heaps are maintained to hold internal linked lists for the
> unused cells. Probably this will not work if CELLS is 1.
> > Why am I trying CELLS = 1? Just poking around - I was just trying to
> figure
> > out the min number of CELLS I needed for certain programs.
> You can get the number of cells in a function with 'size':
>    : (size '(a b c))
>    -> 3
>    : (pp 'test)
>    (de test ("Pat" . "Prg")
>       (bind (fish pat? "Pat")
>          (unless (match "Pat" (run "Prg"))
>             (msg "Prg")
>             (quit "'test' failed" "Pat") ) ) )
>    -> test
>    : (size test)
>    -> 23
> Even a minimal system needs a few thousand cells.
> Setting CELLS to just a few dozens would work, but the overhead of
> maintaining
> so many heaps will become relatively large.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --

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