
This is the announcement for the next Agent-Based Modelling course: MISS-ABMS, *M*ulti-platform*I*nternational*S*ummer*S*chool on*A*gent-*B*ased*M*odelling &*S*imulation for renewable resources management

*MISS-ABMS 2025, 8-19 September 2025, Agropolis, Montpellier (France)*

By taking part in this course, you will gain a modelling culture and learn the different skills required for building agent-based models (ABMs) applied to sociological, ecological, or socio-ecological systems.

*Key points*

·MISS-ABMS is multi-cultural in terms of background and nationalities of the trainers and participants

·MISS-ABMS promotes a collaborative practice of modelling and simulation

·MISS-ABMS is multi-platform: Cormas-Pharo, Gama and NetLogo

·MISS-ABMS presents the different stages of an ABM process, with a focus on model design and implementation

·MISS-ABMS offers a significant time for group work to design and implement an ABM

*For who*

·Each year we enjoy having participants with very heterogeneous profiles in terms of age, nationality, scientific background and experience in modelling or coding. Beginners in ABM who are planning to participate in a modelling project in the months following the training are welcomed.

·If you have any concern regarding your participation, feel free to ask at:

*Information and registration*

·For more details see the summer school website:https://www.agropolis.fr/MISSABMS

·If you intend to participate, please complete theapplication form <https://www.agropolis.fr/MISS-ABMS-APPLICATION-FORM>. The selection of participants and the confirmation of the session will be announced mid-June.

Best regards,
MISS-ABMS organization team

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