Hello Stephane,


Thank you very much for your swift reply. I understand that there are 
significant efforts involved in updating the book. In general, I find it well 
written and very helpful.

I ran into some issues when trying to apply the new method for testing in Pharo 
12, with separate packages for the tests, which was not described in PbE9. So 
outlining this new test regime would certainly help me.


>From my understanding, changes to the Pharo code are always added to the 
>latest download as they are ready, rather than accumulating larger bulks of 
>code for a subsequent controlled version update. Would a similar approach, 
>with incremental updates, be something to consider for the PbE, or would that 
>become rather messy ?


Kind regards,



Frå: sducasseatw...@mailo.com <sducasseatw...@mailo.com> 
Send: onsdag 26. februar 2025 14:38
Til: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
Kopi: Arild Dyrseth <ar-d...@online.no>
Emne: Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo by Example


Hi Arild


For the moment I’m focusing on the other books I have on the burner.

I wrote documentation about the new class definition and it should fit in the 
new version. 

I was planning to update the book for Pharo 14 because it is a lot of work in 





The book ‘Pharo by Example’ is currently based on Pharo 9. Are there any plans 
or initiatives to update this manual to reflect Pharo 12 or 13 ?


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