
We would like to inform you that we are currently setting up a new server to 
host Pharo files.
Indeed, our current server reached its maximal storage capacity (500 GB) and we 
need to move it to another provider.
The Pharo file server is used:
- to publish new Pharo images and Virtual machines,
- host Pharo Launcher files,
- deliver Pharo images and Virtual machines for Pharo Launcher and zero-conf 
- and some other use cases.

Next Wednesday, November, 13th, from 8am to 11am UTC: https://files.pharo.org 
will not be available!

This shutdown is needed so that we can change the DNS to point to the new 
server, issue a new SSL certificate for this new server and some other actions. 
The new server may be put on line earlier if possible.

The Pharo team.

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