The <worldMenu> pragma is automatically scanned by Pharo World, and identified 
item are then picked and displayed. This makes it easy to add custom menu item 
while loading external project. The downside is that unless you want to disable 
completely this mechanism, you need to remove this simple pragma from Roassal 
library to get thie menu entry removed (or remove Roassal from your image).

This won't have any impact on Roassal code or code in your image. It'll simply 
remove this method from the list for <worldMenu> item. 


28 juin 2024, 10 h 49 de

> On Fri, 28 Jun 2024 at 12:34, Noury Bouraqadi <>> > wrote:
>> Remove the >> <worldMenu>>>   pragma form the method in charge of creating 
>> your menu.
>> Looking at senders of >> worldMenu>>   lists all methods that create such 
>> menus.
>> Noury
>> On Jun 28 2024, at 12:07 pm, vfclists <>>>> > wrote:
>>> After an attempt to install Roassal a persistent menu item has been to the 
>>> top level of the image's menu.
>>> The menu label is `Load full version` and after searching the image it is 
>>> coming from a `RSWorldMenu menu06LoadFullVersionOn` method which triggers 
>>> the `RSWorldMenu loadFullVersion` event.
>>> How do I remove this element from the main menu object which I suspect 
>>> might fix the problem?
>>> --
>>> Frank Church
> Shouldn't there be some setting that causes the Roassal menu to be triggered?
> Isn't there some option to stop that menu from being called.
> My assumption is that there is some variable or setting persisting between 
> sessions that was created by the Roassal code during installation or 
> execution and simply has to be unset.
> Modifying library code is not something I'm keen on.
> --
> Frank Church

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