Hi Kasper, I never did investigate using Pharo to building STL files. But, I did used PharoJS to build a 3D scene using the three.js Javascript library. The code is part of PharoJS examples
Here is a live demo https://pharojs.org/Demos/PjThreeJsDemo/index.html More about ThreeJS: https://threejs.org/ I'll be happy to help with it and discuss anything 3D printing. I am fond of 3D printing since I bought my first printer in 2017. You can find some of my prints https://nootrix.com/tag/3d-printing/ Noury On May 24 2024, at 2:28 pm, Kasper Osterbye <kasper.oster...@gmail.com> wrote: > Cheers all > > I am looking for classes which can be used to build 3D pictures. Spheres, > Boxes, etc. > It is a fun thing for me to build, but on the other hand, if it is already > done, I will use them. > > Also, I am interested in 3D figures being outputtet in STL files. Is that > done? It is an easier thing for me to build (have done some work already). > I want the stl format as I can pass that on to 3D printers. Are there anyone > else who have worked from Pharo to 3D printing (prusa for example). > Best, Kasper