So there we already have dialect differences …

Am 23.01.2024 um 17:32 schrieb James Foster via Pharo-users <>:

myDict associationsDo: [: anAssociation | ].
myDict keysDo: [:aKey | ].
myDict valuesDo: [:aValue | ].
myDict do: [:aValue | ]. “An alias for #valuesDo:”

James Foster

On Jan 23, 2024, at 8:27 AM, Joachim Tuchel <> wrote:

AI knows little about Smalltalk ;-)

You can use do: with each Association as a parameter or you can use keysAndValuesDo:

myDic do: [:assoc| | key value| key := assoc key. value := assoc value. ...].
myDic keysAndValuesDo: [:key :value| ...]


Am 23.01.24 um 17:24 schrieb sergio ruiz:
I need to iterate over a dictionary.

I asked the AI buddy for a little help, and he says:

| myDictionary |

"Create a dictionary"
myDictionary := Dictionary new.
myDictionary at: 'one' put: 1.
myDictionary at: 'two' put: 2.
myDictionary at: 'three' put: 3.

"Iterate over the dictionary"
myDictionary do: [ :key :value |
    Transcript show: key , ' -> ', value printString ; nl.

but when i try this, I get:

ArgumentsCountMismatch: This block accepts 2 arguments, but was called with 1 argument.

Is the AI using a different dialect of smalltalk?

how would I go about acting on each pair?


photographer, journalist, visionary

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#BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV


Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel     
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