With the new Raspberry Pi 5 (8Gb) I finally got hold of, and the new Raspberry OS (Bookworm 12), I thought it was time to try Pharo again (see Pharo issue #11841 by @astares). I used zero-config with version specification, like 'get.pharo.org/100+vm'. (On pharo.org there are no OBS packages for Bookworm).
Using Raspberry Imager I put 64-bits Bookworm on the Pi5. The installs for Pharo 9, 10 and 11 worked OK. Pharo12 does not work because files.pharo.org/get-files/120 does not contain an aarch64-vm. The P12 image does work with the VM downloaded for P11. UI performance is excellent. Next I tried 32-bits Bookworm (Raspberry OS 12) on the Pi5. As there are no recent 32-bits Pharo images (issue #12769) I only tried P9 and P10. Directly using zero-config loads 64-bit Pharo and even explicitly specifying 32-bit (through 'get.pharo.org/32/90+vm') results in a 64-bit download. The reason is, that the Pi loads a 64-bit kernel even when the OS itself is 32-bits. This means the command 'uname -m' that is used by zero-config, returns 'aarch64' instead of 'armv7l'. I will report this on the zero config repo. So I downloaded and unzipped manually.. Pharo 9 works fine. The Pharo 10 image misses Playground in the menu, but ctrl+O+W works. On a Pi 4 (8Gb RAM) with 64-bits Bookworm Pharo 10 is OK. Pharo 11 (with VM 10.0.5 2023-05-05) gives an error: '[ERROR] 2024-01-16 21:37:55.000 sqAllocateMemory (src/memoryUnix.c:160):I cannot find a good memory address starting from: 0x10000000000'. With 32-bits Bookworms it behaves the same as the Pi (i.e. it also loads a 64 bits kernel) Next I tried the same on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ (1Gb memory). For 64-bits the Raspberry Imager default to the Bullseye version (11) . Pharo 10 and 11 complain about a wrong libc.so version and don't work. Using Bookworm ( 64-bit) Pharo 10 runs OK . Pharo 11 does not work, with the same error as on the Pi4 Last I tried the Raspberry Pi Zero 2W (512 Mb RAM, but only €20!). First 32-bits Bookworm. Pharo9 works. Pharo10 also with the incomplete latest image. 64-bits Bookworm seems a bit heavy for this board, but it works. Pharo10 runs, more or less. Maybe headless would be quite useful. Pharo11 gives the same memory allocation error as on the Pi 4 and 3B+ Summary: - On the Pi 5 all Pharo 64 bits versions work - On other Pi's only version 9 and 10 work. Pharo11 has a memory allocation error. - Recent 32-bits Pharo images are lacking; especially for the cheap Pi Zero I would really like to see whether 32-bits is more usable.