
Welcome back to Pharo Smalltalk.
The pane at the bottom of the inspector is a playground that has acces to the 
object instance variables.
You can evaluate what ever expression you want.
In your example, that would be
name := 'New name'

On Jan 12 2024, at 10:35 pm, sergio ruiz <> wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I have been away from Pharo/Smalltalk for several years, but I am coming back 
> to it now. I am a senior developer, but haven’t used smalltalk in any 
> professional projects.
> I also found that I don’t do ANY pet projects for fun anymore, as the current 
> batch of languages/frameworks are not fun. They are effective and all. But 
> not fun.
> I am starting a bunch of “scratch my own itch” projects. I’ll be using Pharo 
> as the data store, and maybe more. The thing I really want to do is document 
> the usage of Pharo in my projects, and explain the toolchain, and why i chose 
> each piece.
> My first project is to take a list of movie events from the local theater and 
> create a listing reminiscent of the newspaper listings we read in the olden 
> days.
> I have my models set up and figured out, but I have a really simple question.
> How do i change the value of an instance variable in the inspector. It looks 
> like it should be super simple, but it’s not working.
> In this case, I am just trying to take the period out of a string. See that 
> attached image.
> Thanks, all!
> ----
> peace,
> sergio
> photographer, journalist, visionary
> Public Key: 
> #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV

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