Thanks to all of you for the nice comments.

I wish you, pharo and the community all the best for 2024. In 2024 there will 
be a soil release that I promised for this year but I didn’t make it. 


> Am 14.12.2023 um 15:19 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe <>:
> Yes, this is a really nice project, the front end as well.
> It reminds me a bit of FileMaker, but for the web.
> I am hoping you have commercial success with ApptiveGrid !
>> On 12 Dec 2023, at 13:02, Norbert Hartl <> wrote:
>> I wanted to write this for a very long time now…so finally…I’m very proud to 
>> announce a new success story: ApptiveGrid
>> ApptiveGrid is a SaaS tool to digitalize and automatize business processes.
>> On the one hand ApptiveGrid is visual database that enables you to model 
>> your database via web frontend. At the same time this model is available via 
>> <Bildschirm­foto 2023-12-12 um 12.39.29.png>
>> On top of the data model a form creator turns your model into a form that 
>> you can send e.g. via email to inquire data from other people…
>> <Bildschirm­foto 2023-12-12 um 12.40.48.png>
>> On the other hand ApptiveGrid is a workflow system where you can define your 
>> work flow in the web frontend and connect to events. These events are either 
>> internal (resulting from a change in your data model) or external where you 
>> can use web hooks to kick of work flows.
>> <Bildschirm­foto 2023-12-12 um 12.44.10.png>
>> With the combination of both parts ApptiveGrid is able to solve many of 
>> modern digital workflows. It enables to make it for low cost and in almost 
>> no time which are two pretty good reasons to use it. If you want to use it 
>> just visit: ApptiveGrid provides a start plan at 
>> no cost where most of the functionalities are available. If you have 
>> additional needs just write me. For the people in the pharo community I’m 
>> sure we can provide a bit more on top.
>> About the tech stack:
>> - The business backend of ApptiveGrid is 100% pharo 
>> - It uses components for the HTTP frontend 
>> - and as the persistence solution. 
>> - Each user has its own database (an empty soil database is 24kb on disk, 
>> could be made even approx. 5kb). There are over 3100 databases in the system 
>> right now
>> - one pharo image holds multiple soil databases open and provides memory 
>> caching for the objects
>> - routing of requests is done with haproxy connection persistence
>> - the web frontend is made with Vue.js and a pharo library that we transpile 
>> to JS with PharoJS
>> If you are interested you can also watch my ESUG videos at 
>> All talks in the last 2 years were about 
>> ApptiveGrid
>> If you have question, don’t hesitate to ask, I’m happy to answer!
>> Norbert

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