Hi Esteban
On Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 08:29:14 AM GMT+1, Esteban Lorenzano 
<esteba...@netc.eu> wrote: 
> hi,
> some questions :)
>     1. why you are importing from cs? In pharo 8 there was already other 
>formats available, including tonel. 

Yep, but I never used it

>         1. Are you sure your missing class is not in another .cs you should 
>install before?
The class is in the same .cs

>  2. In that sense, it would help to know which class is missing, we don't 
>know if this is yours, ours or from an imported dependency.
The class is mine and it is a subclass of Object


> Esteban

On 25/11/2023 07:15, Davide Varvello via Pharo-users wrote:


Hi Guys,

I can't port my Pharo 8 code to Pharo 10. 

I'm filing out my packages to a .cs file, but when I install it on Pharo 10 it 
shows an error that one of my class is missing, even if it is in the .cs file.

Any hints?



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