Hi Esteban,

That is a really good point - thanks for reminding me. Maybe I’m just a little 
early starting this project. Hopefully the bookworm release of PiOS will 
include a reasonably stable and functional Wayland. 

For now I’ll work on ubuntu with Wayland and see how I go.



> On 12 Jul 2023, at 6:59 pm, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@netc.eu> wrote:
> what is the xid? The x11 thingy?
> in that case you will need to implement a method on GdkWindow (not  
> GtkWindow):
> https://docs.gtk.org/gdk3-x11/method.X11Window.get_xid.html
> then you do something like:
> GRunLoop defer: [ xid := myGtkWindow gdkWindow xid ].
> but this is tied to the x11 system and linux is going out really fast of it 
> (is being replaced by Wayland).
> I can bet  there has to be a better way to connect it to a window.
> Esteban
> On Jul 12 2023, at 12:05 am, Jupiter Jones <jupiter.jo...@mail.com> wrote:
> Hi Estiban,
> Thanks for that - works beautifully :)
> The next challenge was to let VLC know the xid for the gtk window, but of 
> course the one function that answers the xid for gtk appears to be in yet 
> another library (gtk-x11) which, of course, has no binding for Pharo as yet :)
> As I’m new to FFI (as is my offsider), this will take a bit of learning and 
> fumbling, so if someone knows it’s going to be a fools errand (ie. this isn’t 
> likely to resolve the link between VLC and gtk) please let me know.
> Otherwise, we’ll dive in.
> Cheers,
> J
> On 10 Jul 2023, at 9:50 pm, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@netc.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> Heh, there were several problems around :)
> 1) Indeed, Ubuntu naming conventions were a problem for the gtk bindings. I 
> updated them and now it should not be a problem (but you need to pull them 
> again).
> 2) I assume you are using Pharo Launcher (or zeroconf directly). And this is 
> a problem... PharoLauncher is a great idea, and for Windows is a mustbut in 
> linux world it just does not matches the philosophy: There are many 
> distrubutions and changes and is impossible to correctly distribute a VM with 
> all dependencies without using the packaging they expect (we need to start 
> thinking on distribute the VM as a flatpak, but that will take time to be 
> implemented).
> You need to use the VM we provide with Open Build Service:  
> https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=devel:languages:pharo:stable&package=pharo-ui
> 3) finally, this is not a real problem immediately, but a recommendation: 
> Pharo has different ways of being ejecuted. The default one will execute the 
> VM and everything needed in the main thread. This is usually suitable for 
> Pharo needs, but it is a problem when the UI loop is required to run 
> separately (not just for Gtk but any backend that you need to run on idle 
> mode).
> Fortunaltely, Pharo implements also a way to be executed in a worker thread, 
> making space so the main thread can be used for other purposes. We highly 
> recommend that you execute Pharo using a worker thread (future versions of 
> Spec-Gtk will require this usage, and is definitively better.
> How to execute in worker thread:
> pharo --worker MyImage.image --interactive
> I updated the README on pharo-spec/Spec-Gtk to precise this points.
> Cheers!
> Esteban
> On Jul 10 2023, at 7:17 am, Jupiter Jones <jupiter.jo...@mail.com> wrote:
> Another step forward.
> I created a new ubuntu 22 install, installed pharo 11 and installed spec-gtk. 
> The first issue was the libraries are named: libgobject-2.0.so.0 and 
> libpango-1.0.so.0 with the “.0” suffix. I created links to those with the 
> names spec-gtk is expecting.
> Then, the little test window opened but looked like this:
> Is there something else I’m missing?
> Thanks for your advice.
> Cheers,
> Phil
> On 9 Jul 2023, at 6:02 pm, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@netc.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> Spec-Gtk should work without problems on P11, except on macs, where there is 
> a known problem.
> what is the process you are taking to install it? where are you trying it?
> I don't know the status of the VLC bindings.
> Esteban
> On Jul 9 2023, at 2:53 am, Jupiter Jones <jupiter.jo...@mail.com> wrote:
> The stark silence answers my question :)
> So…
> I found a nice binding to VLC [1] and was thinking of using Spec2 GTK+ to 
> create a video widget/component. Does anyone with more in depth knowledge of 
> Spec2 and GTK foresee any obvious blocks?
> First block :) I can’t find a way to play with the Spec2 GTK+ binding [2]  
> without the image crashing on startup. I see someone has already logged the 
> issue in GitHub for 10 and 11, and I tried 12 just for fun,  and it also ate 
> all the memory then crashed.
> Is there a Pharo version that will work with the Spec2 GTK+ binding 
> installed? Maybe I’m looking at this too early :)
> [1] https://github.com/badetitou/Pharo-LibVLC
> [2] https://github.com/pharo-spec/Spec-Gtk
> On 3 Jul 2023, at 5:07 pm, Jupiter Jones <jupiter.jo...@mail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone point to to some library, documentation or examples of how to play 
> video in Pharo?
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> J

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