Hi, Having been through this process I found I had to completely rewrite the UI side of things - you can either choose to use Morphic, or the more modern Spec overlay. I used this in conjunction with Roassal, as my UI is mainly graphic. It also renders using Cairo, giving it a nice look. I also used Pango to make the text look good too.
You'll need to abandon name spaces. Just prefix your class names as appropriate. If you've got objects to port SIXX is really useful. My two cents... Stew On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 4:16 AM Christian Haider <m...@christianhaider.de> wrote: > Yes, PDFtalk is the only example, because it was created to port that > library. Any other uses are welcome. > > > > The project has been dormant for a year now because of other obligations, > but I hope to resume soon. > > > > The documentation is, as Richard notes, in a suboptimal state. I think > that the information is still accurate. > > Any help with this would be welcome, for example by asking questions or by > criticizing concrete issues. > > > > Christian > > > > *Von:* Richard Sargent <richard.sarg...@gemtalksystems.com> > *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 6. April 2023 17:55 > *An:* Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org> > *Betreff:* [Pharo-users] Re: Porting from VW to Pharo > > > > The best(?) place to start is perhaps > https://wiki.pdftalk.de/doku.php?id=smalltalktransform. > > The only examples are various ports of PDFtalk (from VisualWorks) to > Pharo, Squeak, GemStone, and VAST. > > > > PDFtalk is quite complex and the porting rules are correspondingly > complex. The Transform documentation does leave something to be desired. > > > > On Thu, Apr 6, 2023 at 8:22 AM Steffen Märcker <merk...@web.de> wrote: > > Hi! > > this topic pops up from time to time on the mailing list. I want to port a > number of packages to Pharo. I remember "Shaping" asking this for porting > PDFtalk. > > 1. Is the workflow still up to date or is there a new way of doing things? > 2. From what I understand so far, I just need the following package from > Store: > - Smalltalk Transform Project > 3. Is there a page that documents the process process in general? > https://wiki.pdftalk.de/doku.php?id=setupvisualworks seems to be specific > for PDFtalk like the thread on this list. > > Kind regards, > Steffen > >