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On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 11:30 PM Tomaž Turk <tomazz.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mayuresh,
> I think that the choice of what programming language one needs to learn or
> use depends today from the goals that you have - and these goals are not
> only tied to specifiic business projects that you (might) pursue but also
> career and self-enrichment missions. Years ago we had programmers who did
> their entire career by knowing and using only one language, however this is
> nowadays almost impossible, in general.
> As others already nicely put, Pharo and Smalltalk are, also in my own
> expeirence, the most beautiful and productive programming languages and
> environments. What would be the type of use cases which would be exemplary
> for Pharo? Well, I find Pharo to be a general programming language in its
> true meaning. You can grasp the diversity of what can be done by just
> looking at this list
> https://github.com/pharo-open-documentation/awesome-pharo. You can go
> close to the machine with uFFI and be very "declarative" with Glorp and
> similar packages. You'd like to do the data mining? No problem, except that
> everybody talks about Python and R.
> As MIS professor, I'm interested in new technologies, old technolgies in
> new settings, always looking for the best ways to do research about and to
> teach modern concepts, also challenging myself with real, "production"
> cases from the field. Once I learnt the Smalltalk way, the challenges for
> me with Pharo were mostly the following:
> - For a specific project, you sooner or later bump into a missing
> functionality in some package or other. Here, it's true that you can
> relatively easy see the inner structures of these packages and add the
> functionality that you need. The challenge here is grasping the
> architecture model and development patterns that the original contrubutors
> and the community already "engraved" into the package, trying to understand
> it and to follow the same patterns - i.e. to participate in a constructive
> manner. My case: PharoWin32 and PharoCOM
> <https://github.com/tesonep/pharo-com>, I had to add the functionality
> that I needed to work on PharoADO <https://github.com/eftomi/PharoADO>.
> - There is a constant lag of documentation publishing activities which
> cannot follow the actual development; typical examples that I stumbled
> across are Pharo Spec2 book (but it can be "replaced" by excellent Spec
> Handbook
> <https://github.com/pharo-spec/Spec/blob/Pharo11/spec2.md#SpStyleClass>),
> the second one the deeper settings of Seaside framework that I needed for
> production environment.
> For these challenges, you can always count on really helpful community,
> however it is time consuming and eats away the positive side of
> productivity gains that are brought by the language itself.
> So, if you need some occupation, not necessarily one from which you would
> demand financial returns as you put, I suggest that you choose a couple of
> small projects just to try it out and see what happens. Pharo is a heavy
> addition to one's self-enrichment in the sense of not learning the tools
> but learning the concepts and "the big picture". Nice examples are the book 
> Learning
> Object-Oriented Programming, Design and TDD <http://books.pharo.org/> and 
> Pharo
> MOOC <https://mooc.pharo.org/>. If you pursue into more serious projects
> (research or productionwise), the community would be grateful.
> Best wishes,
> Tomaz

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