Hi Juan,

you might have a look to PolyMath:

We are trying to build something equivalent to pandas et other scientific
libraries in Python.
Arms to help us are welcome ;-)

On Mon, 16 Jan 2023 at 04:10, Juan Cruz <juan.c...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your response. The size of datasets is not an issue, but my
> intention is not to bridge to Python. The reason behind the question is
> that (and sorry for those who love it) I think Python is an ugly language.
> It's very powerful due to its libraries: Yes. But as a language, I find it
> ugly and not very expressive. Besides, the fact that indentation has syntax
> meaning is really annoying.
> I tried Haskell, beautiful. Also Closure and Ruby. Love those. But
> Smalltalk caught my attention as I read in different sources that it was
> actively used in the financial industry, so I figure out that there were
> some advanced libraries out there...Probably they exist and are proprietary
> or secret haha.
> Thanks so much I will keep toying with Pharo, these days have been really
> fun. It is really fun to code in Pharo...and easy!!
> No need to set up environments, select editors, plugins, or
> debuggers..it´s all there!
> Have a great Sunday
> Juan P. Cruz
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Jupiter Jones <jupiter.jo...@mail.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, January 15, 2023 3:20 AM
> *To:* Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> *Subject:* [Pharo-users] Re: New to Pharo: Some questions
> This may seem a little over simplistic, but the basics of what NumPy and
> Pandas offer can be achieved with the standard Smalltalk collection
> hierarchy. If your data fits in memory, then Pharo will handle the job. If
> not, then GemStone may do the trick.
> That said, there’s a bunch of quite specialised stuff in those libraries,
> some of which is not trivial to implement. Or you may have gigantic
> existing datasets that you want to leverage. So you can always call the
> python libraries directly from Smalltalk using the PythonBridge [1]. It’s
> been a long time since I’ve used it, so hopefully someone else can let you
> know if it’s still well maintained.
> There are a bunch of options for plotting. Maybe start by checking out
> Roassal [2].
> You may even want to check out Glamorous Toolkit [3]. It may change your
> life ;)
> [1] https://objectprofile.github.io/PythonBridge/
> [2] http://agilevisualization.com
> [3] https://gtoolkit.com
> On 15 Jan 2023, at 12:10 pm, Juan Cruz <juan.c...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I hope everyone is doing well. I am new to Pharo but not to programming. I
> have a background in Python, and Javascript mostly. I mostly use Python due
> to the data, plotting, and math libraries.
> But after toying a little with Pharo, the language I came to appreciate
> its beauty of it and how expressive the language is.
> I was wondering if there are libraries equivalent to Matplotlib, Pandas,
> Numpy, etc. I mostly apply Python to finance -in particular to quantitative
> finance.
> I read somewhere that top investment banks use Smalltalk as their secret
> weapon, so I'm sure that there are some users that have some insights to
> share on this subject.
> Thanks to all and all the best for this 2023.
> Greetings
> Juan P. Cruz

Serge Stinckwic

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