I found stonProcessSubObjects: block "Execute block to (potentially) change each of my subObjects. In general, all instance and indexable variables are processed. Overwrite when necessary. Not used when #stonContainSubObjects returns false." 1 to: self class instSize do: [ :each | self instVarAt: each put: (block value: (self instVarAt: each)) ]. (self class isVariable and: [ self class isBytes not ]) ifTrue: [ 1 to: self basicSize do: [ :each | self basicAt: each put: (block value: (self basicAt: each)) ] ]
but I could not really get how to use it and if it was at the moment of writing. So I will patch my model but to me it defeats the purpose of serialization. Either we can serialize everything or we can transform to that we can fall back on the stable part. Forcing clients to prepare the objects to serialize is always possible but less satisfactory. Because I will have to do it twice. to save from sorted to ordered save from ordered to sorted and on load from ordered to sorted. S